What is LingQ all about?

I just watched this new video from Steve:

A very good and brief introduction to LingQ!
I am sure it will attract more people to sign up and become members.
Well done!

Glad you like the video, hape! :slight_smile:

We want to get the script translated into other languages. If any of you would like to help with the translation, please go here: http://bit.ly/eGwTv9
Make sure to click on the tab at the bottom of the language you would like to translate into :slight_smile:

Very good!

Great video. Should help people a lot.

German translation: done.

Thanks, hape! :slight_smile:

I like this video too. It’s a pleasure to see it.

@Hape: I’ve read your translation. Well done! Please consider, that usually all help and emails from LingQ are in the “Du” form and not in the “Sie” form. We discussed this topic more than 2 years ago and decided to use the informal version.

@Alex: What do you intend to do with the translation? Add it to this video or create videos completely in other languages as well? Than you should make sure that you change the interface language as well. Please consider that (unfortunately) Germans are not used to see English interfaces. In the German speaking countries everything is translated. All movies and TV series are dubbed. There is not a lot of tolerance (again: unfortunately) if the interface is not in German.

@Alex: Just curious: Which program did you use to create this video? It is really great. The technical aspects are great and what is said as well. Clear, logical and not too long but showing the strong part of LingQ.

@Vera - For now, we intend just to dub over it. Translating the on-screen text into other languages will be very time consuming, not to mention expensive. Perhaps it’s something we can do in the future, but for now the visuals will be the same and the audio track will be swapped out. This is the most efficient method at the moment.

I didn’t make the video (nor would I have any idea how to :P), so I’m not actually sure what program was used to create it. Mark might have a better idea about this.

It’s hilarious how he’s using a literal notebook in the video. At least to me it is.

I like it but I don’t know if it’ll convince anyone to use Lingq.

Maybe if someone joins because of it they can post here.

Vera, we contracted with someone to do this. I think we should look at translating the text as well over time. The first step is to provide audio in different languages, and I think we are looking at over 12 languages so that will be tall order. I will not be recording the Dutch or Lithuanian but will try to record that ones that I can. It may be necessary to shorten some of the translations so that I can get it all in in the 2 minutes.

Because of the way the video was produced, creating a different version for each language is the same as starting from scratch which we aren’t going to do for cost reasons. There is a limited amount of interface text in the video and I’m sure the voice over versions will be fine.

Sol, the goal is not necessarily to convince people to join LingQ, although we hope that it has that effect on some people. Rather the goal is to help newcomers to the site get a general overview of what they are expected to do at LingQ. There will be further developments of this nature so that fewer people leave the site wondering what it is all about.

Thank you for the answers. Steve, would you prefer the formal “Sie” or the informal “Du” in the German version. I think same question arises for French (and probably other languages).

You are free to change the German translation from “polite (Sie)” to “informal (du)”. I personally don’t like the informal way addressing people, and as far as I know only Apple is addressing their potential customers in Germany with “du”. If LingQ wants address only people below 30 (which I doubt), then the “du” may be better, but I would recommend the “Sie”.

The current French translation uses the polite “vous”, too.

I think the question of the formal or informal form is better for native speakers to decide, and I can see there will be some disagreement depending on personal preference and area. In French I guess “vous” is better, but not necessarily in Quebec. In Spain “tu” may be better but not in some countries of South America and so on. I will rely on whatever translations I get, and would be happy to see the issue discussed here.

Although I am now used to the LingQ-Du, I still prefer the ‘Sie’ for strangers - but that’s my age speaking.

I recently agreed with a, to me new, French tutor to use the formal ‘vous’ because it felt much more comfortable and elegant… (that is not to say that I don’t like being familiar with the ones I have known for a while).

I also like the formal address in Russian, again, it’s a more elegant and comfortable way for my ears.

I am working through the translations in preparation for recording them. All are too long to fit into the 2 minute time frame of the video. I have edited the French and Italian and they should fit.

The German is quite long. I have the feeling that the “du” form would shorten the message a bit. Hape could you give it a go with “du” and try to shorten things. In a way, the German should be as close in length to the English written text if I am going to have a chance to read in the same amount of time.

I would like to do it, but somebody is already shortening the German text and converting it to “Du” form. :wink:

Thanks. I guess someone else is working on it. Thanks to everyone.

I am removing certain phrases from the other texts since 1) I have now seen the video, and some phrases are not really necessary, and 2) I simply cannot read as fast in most other languages without stumbling.