I’ve noticed out of nowhere I am now being emailed by lingq to sign up to premium, something I had many years ago.
I couldnt get along with the method. I actually havent done any language learning for a long time but I am wondering what has changed and if anything has got better? I do remember signing up again a few years later and noticing a lot of content had vanished.
Why would I sign up now if the lingq method didnt work for me 4-5 years ago?
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You probably need to first decide why you’re not learning at all. Maybe there are other things you prefer to do. No method will work if you don’t work.
Lingq is a wonderful tool for some. It’s great for me, but that’s because language learning is something I’m intensely interested in, and I import a lot of content for self study. In fact probably 98% of what I read and listen to in Lingq I’ve imported myself.
I decided I wasnt making as much progress as I would like despite pouring a lot of time into it. I was also learning whilst I was a student and had a lot of time. Then came life with its responsibilties and I no longer had that.
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For what it’s worth there are ways to create time, assuming you are interested. You can listen to podcasts for learners while driving to and from work, or the shops, while cutting the lawn, washing the dishes and so on.
When you say you couldn’t get along with the method, I don’t think there is a method, rather there are many ways to use LingQ. It took me at least 6 months to figure out how I liked to use it.