What has been going on?

The reason that I have not been posting anything is because I had no Internet and found that using my phone to make my blog posts ineffective. On September 20, I went to Georgia with a priest and a businessman. They are Koreans, and I tested my Korean with them. I did pretty well. despite being nerve-wracked. However, I did not show that in my face and body language/ I got connections from one of closest friends. Anyway, two days later, I went to North Carolina, which I am in now. I got a new house that was already bought by the Korean businessman. My neighbors are Korean grandparents. They are like my adopted grandparents. The businessman became new godfather. His wife is my new godmother. She and I collaborate in performing music for Catholic Mass. I play the piano, and she sings. I get financial assistance from the Korean businessman. Anyway, I had to get wifi from outside and continued to pursue Korean and Spanish. Recently, I would say my Spanish has gotten to the point that I am very fluent in reading and listening. Although I did not get much opportunities to speak, I am able to understand very well. I will stop learning Spanish for a time sometime during November. After that, I will start learning Latin. Is anyone out there learning Latin and can give me some advice?


These are great news. I’m very glad to know that you have found a nice place to stay and that you’re making progress.
I learned Latin a long time ago and I go back to it from time to time.
To get you started have a look at some of the beginning lessons on Scorpio Martianus YT channel:

Gracias. I know Luke. I am impressed by his Latin. He is the resource that I was looking for.

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I think I saw someone upload his reading of Familia Romana on LingQ, if you want to use it.

This guy has lots of videos on Latin grammar.

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