What does the green tick mean?

Using the iPad app, I can list videos, and each video has a heart, a tick and a download icon at the bottom right. When I click on the tick, it goes green. What does it do? I cannot make it go back to black. When I click on a green tick, the video opens.

Also, the heart indicates if one likes a video. What practical significance does the heart have?

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Ticks transmit diseases.

Do you mean a green check mark?

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tick mark is an equivalent term


I had to look up check mark, seems it is another term for a tick. So yes in answer to your question.

Mark has been complaining of a fever and skin rash. When you have checked Mark for ticks, put a tick or check mark in the box labelled ‘Check Mark for ticks’.


I suppose then the practical significance of the heart, from the tick’s perspective too, is that it pumps the blood.

What do ticks do?, they suck blood, which is related to how they transmit diseases as I had mentioned. I think this is true for both green and black ticks. There are hundreds of species.

I can imagine Sir David Attenborough narrating the video of the tick and heart. Maybe though it was multiple tick species–both green and black species–and they weren’t really changing color. Or maybe the color change related to the tick’s engorgement. I guess comprehensible input, let’s everyone choose their content, and “to each their own” as they say.

Anyhow, one should always check for ticks. Right @bobivan ?