What does it take to open a new forum?

I would love to see a new language-specific forum for Vietnamese.


I’ll ask our team to take care of this. :+1:


Any idea how long it might now take to create a new Vietnamese forum please? And, to be clear, I was interested in a forum for learners of Vietnamese using English as its primary language, and not a forum for Vietnamese native speakers. Or have I misunderstood how language-specific forums work here?

What I would value personally would be a language-specific forum where (in my case) Vietnamese learners could raise language questions, recommend suitable content for LingQ - which isn’t too easy to find at the right level for Vietnamese - and generally offer mutual support (though it would be great if a few native speakers were also present) plus raise any perceived Vietnamese-specific issues about LingQ.

I appreciate that this might be a relatively low-traffic forum (I’m assuming that there aren’t too many Vietnamese learners here) but it could be kind of nice to (virtually) meet the few other Vietnamese learners who are here. And it would also avoid VN-specific questions getting lost in the large number of more general open/support forum questions & comments.

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May I gently ask whether there is some reason that a forum for Vietnamese learners cannot be created? The original request was some 6 weeks ago now and seemed to receive a positive response. But nothing seems to have happened (or am I looking in the wrong place?). However, maybe there is some operational issue about creating new subforums that I’m not aware of? But either way it would be good to know please.

Thinking about it, I’m slightly surprised that a new subforum for a new language is not created automatically when a new language is added to the LingQ language-set.

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@johnd2 Sorry about the delay, here you go: Open Forum in Vietnamese - LingQ Language Forums

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