What´s the function of -たり endings?

I often see that at the end of verbs, but I´m not sure what it does.^^
Here´s an example

ムギ 先輩 って 、自前 の ティーセット 持ってきたり 別荘 持って たり 、すごい お 嬢 様 な んです か?
そう だ ぞ ~。家 に は 執事 さん が いて 、長期 休暇 に は 外国 行ったり して る んだ ぞ~

it normally is used at the end of verbs to in a series of actions. It is sometimes used in an almost redundant way to signify that a certain action is one of possibly more, without the additional actions being mentioned.



Thanks a lot Steve :slight_smile:

So, it basically means “among other things” or “et cetera”, similarly to like し at the end of statements?


Alright :slight_smile:

@Paule : I’ve found this grammar book with sentence patterns(maybe you’ll find it useful) → http://www.guidetojapanese.org/grammar_guide.pdf

I already know that site but thanks :slight_smile:

I see. Sorry I couldn’t be of any help. If you have any interesting materials ( Podcasts with transcripts , sentence pattern books etc.) then you can share them with me if that’s not too much to ask( I’ll try to do the same).