We're sorry, but it looks like this conversation is not available

I am trying to sign-up for a conversation with mynameiszhuli.
This user has a day open on January 15th (exactly six days from now.)
No matter which time slot I try to sign up for (I tried the 3 on the top row of the schedule),
I get the message “We’re sorry, but it looks like this conversation is not available.”
Why do I get this message?

Firefox 17.0.1 for Mac OS X 10.6.8

@Keith - Seems to be an issue specific to this tutor, as I had no issues signing up with other tutors, just this one. We’ll look into this and see what might be causing this. In the meantime, you may want to just go to his profile and click “Request Conversation” to request a conversation with this tutor.

@Keith - Can you try this again to see if you’re experiencing the same issue?

I am still getting the same message. I just tried signing up for a conversation with LauraLi.

@Keith - OK, I’ve finally figured this out and tested it to make sure it’s working. If you run into any other issues let me know!

Great! Thanks!
I can confirm I was able to sign up for a conversation with LauraLi.

@Keith - Awesome, glad to hear it. :slight_smile: Thanks for being so patient as we got it sorted out.