Wedding traditions in different countries

I saw photos from Japanese wedding in Emma’s blog, and became interested in wedding traditions :slight_smile:
In Russia wedding usually lasts two days. Bridegroom and his relatives and friends come to the home of bride. But bride’s relatives and friends don’t let them come into the house. So, there the bride’s redeeming starts :slight_smile: Bride’s friends ask different riddles about bride and bridegroom with his friends have to answer. If they can’t answer they “pay”. Usually it is not money, but songs and dances. It is the most interesting part of every Russian wedding, I think, but unfortunately bride can’t see it, because she is at home. But now, with videocameras it is not a big problem - bride can see it later :slight_smile:
Here the most usual trials for the bridegroom and his friends:

  • Groom have to say tender words on the every letter of his bride’s name. M-A-R-I-N-O-CH-K-A: My dear, Angel, etc. Of course, friends help him.
  • Bride’s friends ask why the groom want to marry and give him a bunch of toy balloons. He burst one balloon and read the answer (there is a peace of paper with answer inside every balloon). If he does not like the answer, he with friends can sing or dance and then try another balloon.
  • Bride’s friends show several photos with child and ask to choose photo with his bride (usually bride’s friends also do not know where is bride and accept any answer. At least my friend said that her husband choose the photo with her uncle and we accepted this answer!)
  • A 1-litre mug is given to the bridegroom. There is a key from the bride’s house on the bottom of this mug. So, bridegroom and his friends have to empty this mug and open the door. Usually mug is full of juice or water (I know that foreigners usually think that Russian drink only vodka).

Then, bridegroom and bride (and all guests) go to the registry office, after the registration there is a photosession and then banquet. The next day there is a banquet at bride’s home. At some regions at this day there are some trials for the wife, at some – again for the husband, at some – for both of them. Also at this day guests dress them up (now it is usually bridegroom’s friends who dress them up into women, girls prefer to be into their beautiful dresses gg)

Oops! I forget one of the main entertainment at the banquet: a group of guests steal the bride and bridegroom have to dance or sign (or pay) – oh yeah - it is a difficult day for bridegroom and his friends :))
At the wedding of my best friend, when she was stolen, her husband danced break-dance. And the DJ at their wedding was the breakdancer, who used to teach the groom some years ago. DJ was so pleased that his student still is able to dance, and do not take money for his job at all!!

have to dance or sign = have to dance or sing

Good fun :slight_smile:
In Greece also the wedding is a very big event for a family since the ancient times. There are lots of rituals before the wedding which may start even a week before the wedding and they differ from region to region. One that people make jokes about is the dressing of the bride by “virgin” women friends or relatives. In modern times it has been replaced with “single” women but there are some old grandmothers that still insist to the older version… I remember I was watching an Italian movie few years ago (they also have this ritual) and since they couldn’t find virgins they end up putting a small boy to dress they bride!!! He was the only one that sweared he is virgin ))) It was very funny… In modern times it is true that not all rituals followed as it used to be even in my mother’s time for example and especially if the wedding takes place in a city. But certainly in villages and islands the weddings are very traditional.
So after the ceremony in the church there is always a veeery big fiesta with loud music, dancing, heaps of food and drinks and everybody is invited! This is the best part that everybody expects. The thing which I don’t like is the live music… Greeks always want to have live music in their wedding but as you can imagine the affordable bands are terrible! I never understood why they don’t put a DJ it would be much more better in my opinion… but that’s how they want it. Actually after a few hours when everybody is drunk I think it doesn’t matter any more ))))