Webinar *sigh*

After 35 minutes of countdown, I made myself a coffee to enojoy the webinar. I came 2 minutes late. I was ready to post questions, didn’t know were to put them, and then after getting go know I should post them right here the next thing I heard was “okay no more questions good bye” (not the exact words…)

At least now I know how the webinars work and how I am supposed to interact.
But please next time leave the channel open for at least 10 minutes for people to gather, even if it’s an early morning session for you!
So, see you next time :slight_smile:
Merry Christmas, happy lingQing to everyone and to the team: please continue the good work, I am happy to be a member of this great site :slight_smile:

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I could be mistaken, but I believe the “webinar” that you can sign up for is actually just a pre-recorded YouTube video that has questions already set and answered within it (that’s what it was for me, at least).

So you actually didn’t miss out on anything :slight_smile:

Okay let’s see what the next one brings. If I can find the time, I will be there :slight_smile:

Guess you’re right, it doesn’t appear to be live :frowning:

Yes, it is a recorded webinar I’m afraid. But, if you have questions, feel free to post them here and we’ll be happy to answer you.

Mark please declare it as such, and there shoudln’t be a countdown for something that isn’t live It’s really confusing!

One question was: Can I get rid of a misspelled tag I never used but that appears every time I am adding the correct one? Correct tag: eigenname, misspelled: eig. It’s a minor problem, but it’t annoying.

That is the default interface of the webinar recording tool we are using. We’ll see what we can do there.
You should be able to get rid of that tag by removing it from every word that has it. Unused tags should disappear. It may still appear in the auto suggest list but we aren’t able to remove it from there.

Okay thank you Mark.
Are there any plans for upcoming webinars?

We don’t have any scheduled but we would like to do one. Stay tuned.

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