[WEB APP BUG] Using shortcut to input tag automatically adds second meaning to word

As the title says, when I use the down arrow to input a tag in the web app, a second, unwanted, definition is automatically added to the word.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Create a lingq
  • Start typing a tag and then press the down arrow to select it
  • Press enter

Thanks for reporting, we will look into it.


Any update @zoran? This is still a problem. To be more precise, the unwanted definition automatically gets added when there are more than one popular meanings already present.

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Any updates? I am still having this problem.

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I asked our developers what is the status here and will get back to you.


Hi Zoran. The issue still hasn’t been fixed. Any updates ?

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No updates yet, sorry.



Can you please raise the issue again with your developer? I have been having this problem for months every time I try to add a tag by pressing the down arrow followed by the enter key. Strangely enough, if i use the mouse to select the tag from the dropdown menu, it’s fine (but it’s more time consuming when you tag a lot of words).

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@SeoulMate Sorry about that. I forwarded this to our team again.

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