The latest Android app mentions “sentence notes” as a new feature, but I cannot see anything different when in sentence mode. Where can I find it? Thanks.
Wild speculation, but you may need to “edit sentence” (click the 3 dots at upper right). Then you can add a note. I know on the website too it would show a number if there was a note. So maybe one or both of these were added? I’ve not tried editing sentence from the app.
OK. I thought maybe Android was at last catching up with the browser and iOS which have recently had quite a few brand new features added for sentence mode. Android is lagging behind as far as this is concerned.
Mark, would it be possible to get a roadmap of sorts as far as improvements or changes that are being worked on? Apologies if there is any I missed it, but it would be interesting to see and possibly for the community to provide feedback or input.
I don’t see why a roadmap would require to make the tools that you use public.
I am pretty sure most of us would be happy with something simple which would allow members to offer suggestions for improvements /new features and an ability to upvote. Lingq could then label suggestions as “planned”, "in progress " or “rejected”.
It would make it easier to keep track of what’s going on. The forum is just too messy.
@mark I think even a simple text roadmap that includes updates you are working on that you hope to implement in the next three months, the next six months, and the next year would be great. I think the format you used in your initial post would work great, although some of the items may need some additional clarifying description so that we know what it means or what is being fixed. It would give us an idea of what is coming.
As you know, the community would also love to provide feedback or input into that process. Some of that input would be impossible to pursue or would be something to pursue for LingQ 6.0 maybe, but some of it may also help the team prioritize things they are actively working on, or could be working on that they are not currently.
But whether or not we have the opportunity to provide feedback, I think it would still be nice to see where the platform is going.
@SeoulMate - ok, we will look into this. I will update soon. @Cassius 90 - I’m not familiar with that issue but you should report it to support if you haven’t already.
I’m not sure if it’s possible to show what the “priority” planned updates are with this tool. If there are 50 items on it in the “planned” section, can they be ranked to show where they are in the chute? Presumably, if they are “in progress,” we can hope to see them soon.
This may already be built in, but someone on your side needs to approve a request before it is added to one of the lists. People should not be able to just add stuff. I know the community here is committed to the program, so I doubt you’d get many trolls or bad actors, but a requested update should not automatically become a planned update. Perhaps add an “under review” column for requested updates. Then, the originator could post about it in the forum and if people are on board, they can hop over to the widget and upvote it or something like that? Ideally, an “under review” column could be rank ordered by date added and most upvotes. I just realized you already did this. My bad.