Wanted: Speakers of Polish and Ukrainian for YT-Videos

Hey there,

I´ve been writing very short stories for German learners and I recorded them as “parallel audio” with a friend from Russia. I say a sentence in German, he repeats it, I say the next sentence etc.

I would like to add German-Polish and German-Ukrainian soon. Are you interested or do you know someone who might be? Requirements are being a native speaker and having a good microphone.

No work required apart from recording the viceos via Skype (or some other way). Ideally, you are a non-native German teacher who already has a YT-channel or some kind of online presence. I am doing this to help people and I am not expecting much of a direct financial benefit but I am sure we will improve our karma and visibility (=more students).

I am also considering Russian to Polish/Hungarian/Romanian/Slovak* but I need to take care of some things first.

*some refugees might stay in these countries and learn the local language to the level required for the stories.


I saw Steve say Ukrainian will be free to learn on LingQ. Any info on that?

Ah, sorry, this thread doesn´t have anything to do with LingQ. I am asking here because I know there are a lot of input enthusiasts on this forum.