Hi all…
would somebody help me please??
I want to upgrade my plane to “basic” but I cant… every time I try to upgrade this message shows up witch is :
" PayPal Server Error: This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid Credit Card Verification Number… 15004. Gateway Decline "
I don’t what’s the problem ?
and what is the zip code? isn’t the key of my country??
I’m sorry you are having so much trouble. It sounds like PayPal is not accepting your credit card for some reason. Your verification number is the 3 digit number on the back of the card. All credit cards should have this number. Your zip code is part of your mailing address. If you don’t have one in your country, you can leave this field blank and it should be fine.
Sorry to hear about the trouble you’re having with this. You may want to try again just to make sure you’re entering all the information correctly. This error (15004) comes when the 3 digit number is wrong, so if you’re still having issues upgrading, it might be a good idea to try contacting your credit card company to see why this isn’t working.