Vote for LingQ

I came across this website on Twitter, (actually via one of jfotheringham’s tweets (thank you, John)):

You can choose among an awful lot of Language Twitter accounts - but who would not want to vote for LingQ :slight_smile:

I don’t know how often one can vote!

Apparently there’s also a …favorite-language-facebook-page-2011.

Please remember to delete the space between language-twitterer-2011

and the one between toplist/time-to (I really shoud use tiny.url)

Thank you Sanne.

There are more categories: ( I hope this link works).
You can also vote for Steves blog “The linguist on languages”

Here’s a link.

Oops, sorry Vera. I didn’t realise you already posted.

Facebook page reference

Twitter reference

Yes all votes will be greatly appreciated.

I greatly appreciate all your efforts to help promote LingQ. We are continuing to improve functionality and there is lots more on our list. We have also made it easier for newcomers. If you refer your friends to LingQ it should be easier for them to understand what to do and why it is so powerful.

All your enthusiastic help in getting the word out is appreciated.

I’ve now mentioned this on LingQ’s Facebook and Twitter – be sure to spread the word and get your friends to vote! :slight_smile:

I always mention lingq as my favorite website whenever I register for a language discussion forum so that other language enthusiasts can have a look at it .

Thanks asad, that is really appreciated.

Done! … Good luck Steve!