Vocabulary import

Hello there,

I am an English learner and I’m trying to improve my English vocabulary. As you suggest, I try to learn new words using their context. Although, I can’t find a way to import examples sentences to the vocabulary database.

For instance, I’d like to import the word “comprehensive”.
The best case scenario would be importing the new term “comprehensive”,
then the definitions (in Greek in my case) “περιεκτικός”, “γενικός”, “συνολικός”,
then English synonyms “extensive” “broad”,
and final some example sentences like “Parents want their children to receive a comprehensive education” and “The final exam will be comprehensive of everything we’ve studied this semester.”

I know I might describe the ideal vocabulary tool, but are there any of these features, or are any of them in the roadmap?

Thank you very much in advance,

You can import vocabulary by going to Classic > Vocabulary, and then clicking on the grey button in the upper right hand corner called “Import Vocabulary”. The system will allow you to add individual words (“Import a single term”) or a list of words, or you can upload a CSV file of a list of English and Greek words. I don’t believe you can directly import synonyms or example sentences, you have to add those manually through the Vocabulary tool.

To be honest I don’t find it particularly rewarding to add lists of words to LingQ, I’ve found it’s much better to discover/learn the words through the texts already here in the library, or through things I’ve imported. When I first started here, I had to learn to resist the urge to use the Vocabulary section as a full-featured dictionary, with lots of nuanced entries and information on syntax. While you can certainly add most anything you want, I’ve found it much more helpful to just keep listening and reading, and go for massive exposure rather than spending too much time inputting info on individual words.

But in any case, do what works for you, the most important thing is to enjoy the process. And welcome to the forums, I’m glad to see Greeks on LingQ!

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