Vocabulary active + passive

More often I know exactly the meaning from a word but I feel the knowledge is passive.
Would you save these words too?
In the review (Flashcards) the words are in English too - I know them.
Perhaps it would be better to create this word in the native language for review?

I’m interested to hear your meaning and how you are working:

I don’t really tend to save words whose meanings I can figure out from context or that are cognates, partly because the flashcard list for a certain item would become too large, and partly because I’ll encounter those words I haven’t saved again and again, by listening to the content item repeatedly. I only really save words that are hindering my ability to understand a text.

I save a lot of words. In the last 30 days i have created 1350 lings. At present this has one big disadvantage. It slows down LingQ. We will correct this problem.

Nevertheless I cannot resist saving lots of words. Here are the reasons.

  1. Once I have saved a word it is highlighted and I often click on highlighted (previously saved) words.
  2. Often I am 70% sure of a word but want to confirm my understanding of it.
  3. In a way I am using the WorkDesk screen as an opportunity to review words, including cognates, or different words of the same word family.
  4. I regulary go to the vocab section and review words 100 at a time. I Select all, then untick the words that I want to “keep”. The rest can be moved to known, deleted or moved up or down one level. I then select the words that i want to Flash Card.

Yes and I do listen repeatedly, as well as re-read items that I have read before/

But LingQ will be used differently by different people. It is a great idea to use this space to compare notes.


We do intend to allow users to look at their flash cards from the Hint or meaning. It is normal to have a much larger passive vocabulary than active. Try printing lists of the words you really want to use and then have it ready when you speak or write. Or even talk to yourself using these words and phrases.

yes, it is really good to hear how other members work.