Vocab Export Limit

Since the filter by course option isn’t returning anytime soon - and even if it returns - what about removing the 200 words export limit?

When I select all 736 words, it only exports 200 of them.

Or am I missing something there?

@destinyseat Hi there! I generally don’t select the Lingqs in order to export them. I simply click on"More Actions" and then, with nothing selected, only two options show up to me: “Export all LingQs” and “Export Lingq AnkiFile”. I select the first one, “Export all LingQs”. It sends me a .csv file with EVERY single LingQ I have (and I do have more than 200 of course).

Give it try. It works perfectly for me. All I have to do then, is simply import the .csv file into Anki.
I guess the website is hoaxed into thinking that you only want to export the selected files if you… you know, you select something. And, as you reported, the selection is limited to 200 LingQs. By not selecting anything, I guess the system understands that what you want to export the whole collection.

You can either export all LingQs at once, under the “More Actions” button, or export 200 at once. That’s a limit at the moment, yes.

@Stepps: Thanks for your input. Unfortunately that doesn’t work for me. I have over 150k Lingqs and I don’t receive a file when I try it your way.

I like to organize my Lings by book / course / etc. but this it’s extremely tedious because of the 200 word limit and the missing “filer by course” option. It’s so time consuming that it’s almost not worth it.

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one, who likes their stuff organized and it’s a pity that such core features aren’t working. After all “words” are THE core of Lingq.