Vietnamese Course for Beginners

Can anyone recommend a Vietnamese course for beginners? I was digging around yesterday but I couldn’t find anything that seemed good. I’ve read some focus on the Northern Accent and some on the Southern Accent (someone somewhere recommended learning the Southern Accent or dialect.) Anyway, I was looking for something that had a book and accompanying CDs. Just a basic course.

Colloquial Vietnamese: The Complete Course for Beginners, 2nd edition

Colloquial is a brand name. Good publisher in the UK.
Doesn’t mean that they teach you only colloquial phrases.

I took a look at that one but it doesn’t appear to be in print anymore and it didn’t say that it came with CDs, which I am hoping to get. Also, I’m curious to know which style of speech it it - if it’s the Southern Dialect or the Northern Dialect.

It came with CDs and was reprinted in 2015. Don’t know what dialect.

Is this the one? It says book only :frowning:

Yes. They offer two options. Just the book or a package with book and audio.

It looks like the audio is accessed online instead of via an accompanying set of CDs. That’s okay, I don’t mind that, although it is nice to have something to load into iTunes.

Okay. Used to come with 2 CDs and cassettes before that.