Vera F Birkenbihl

Exchanged a couple of tweets with this amazing author and entrepreneur this morning. I had tweeted her yesterday after discovering her on Twitter, I used to use her books in my developmental work with managers. Her blog has the raw text of her (soon to be republished) revised book on how to learn languages.

[She, like me, was an absolute failure in English and Latin at school!]

She is reluctant to look at LingQ because of having to give personal information before being able to see what’s on offer.

In any case, she’s well worth reading.

It was interesting. I re-tweeted VeraI’s automatic tweet, and Vera F Birkenbihl responded to it. I exchanged tweets with a German for the first time.

I have also tweeted her, once in German and once in English. We will see if she takes an interest in LingQ. There are many similarities with her approach.