Vacations/Holidays/Travels: Where are you headed?

Hello, everyone. :slight_smile: I apologize if there is already a thread like this.

I thought this would be a fun idea for a thread, since my next family vacation is coming up soon. In a couple of weeks, I’m heading up to Whistler, BC Canada with my parents for our summer vacation. I think this will be my 4th or 5th time in Canada, 3rd or so time in BC. From what I’ve seen, it looks like a very pretty place. I’m excited! I think we may also spend a couple of days in Vancouver as well. I’m not sure, as we currently don’t have any definite plans yet.

What about you? Are you headed anywhere recently or in the future?
Did you go somewhere recently and would like to share your experiences?
Have any fun or interesting stories you’d like to share that happened to you?
And since this is lingQ, did you get to practice any of the languages you’re learning? How did that go for you?

These are all just simple discussion questions to get the ball rolling if you get stuck on what to talk about. You don’t have to follow them to a T, of course.

I’m going to Northern California in a week, and I’ll leave for France in two weeks.

I’m more worried about understanding people from Northern California, honestly, than people in France.

But really, I’ve never been to that part of the country before. I’m imagining (based on what CNN has told me) a magical palm-tree-scattered red tree forest full of medical marijuana dispensaries and Starbucks. We’ll see.

In saturday i’m going with a friend of mine to her village for three or four days.The village’s name is Glojene(in Bulgaria).In the first day when we arrive we’re going to sleep in her grandma’s house.In that day we’re going to make banica(traditional bulgarian meal, it’s something like a pastry with cheese) and toward evening we’re going to have a picnic.In the next day morning we’re going to pack our luggage, and go to the Glojene’s monastery by foot, were we’re going to sleep two nights and draw all the beautiful nature, the monastery and the people there.For sure at night we could see a lot of stars, because the air is so clear in mountains, and the height there is big, so we would be closer to the sky. We’re going to ride bikes in the forest, where on the one side we would see a corn field(she told me so).
Hope you have a great holiday!!!

One week to the North Sea (northwest Germany) in July and another week … London in August! Can’t wait :slight_smile:

Are you studying any sort of input in particular in preparation for your August trip to London? I’ve been mostly just doing what I’ve been doing in preperation for my trip. Since I am now only two days away from my flight to paris, I’ve started freaking out. For example, this morning I realized I did not really know how to ask for change in French, so I made a translation request on the exchange reflecting this.

@djvlbass: I have been told that my English is on a high level. I think I’ll have no difficulties to make my way. But I started to listen to lots of podcasts and lessons with a British accent to get especially used to it.

My French is very basic but I’m able to manage all the things tourists need to do. I studied some useful phrases before our trip to Paris some time ago and everything worked out fine.

Among the younger people and in the hotels you’ll find English speakers.

I think what more important is to figure out how to use public transport and what the interesting places are.

Don’t worry and enjoy your trip.

No question your English is very advanced.

My French is at least at Steve’s definition of fluency, I think. I hope I don’t meet a single English speaker. In fact, I’m going to tell people that I’m German and that I don’t really speak English.

I’m just worried because I can discuss Mariage pour tous with my friends on skype, but I have never before ordered a beer.

So you’re the opposite of me :wink: I’ve studied a lot of lessons in books with situations that travellers will come accross but I miss vocabulary to talk about daily life. After my trip to London I’ll go back to my French …

By the way, every German at your age speaks English because it is compulsory at school.

Well, I was going to say that I am Dutch, but they speak English even better than Germans :-p

Definitely better than Germans :wink:

Well, I shan’t have any language difficulties this year, my bank manager says I can’t have a holiday… (but as I am spending about 10 days a month away from home anyway, I don’t really mind).

I don’t have holidays / vacations and such things because I don’t work, but I will be a guest at my Dutch friends again next month and this always means “100 % Dutch only immersion” and a lot of fun and “gezelligheid”. Besides this I plan to do an “internship weekend” in the Netherlands teaching Esperanto to beginners in November this year, so I will probably speak both Dutch and Esperanto there during the whole weekend.
