Using tags


I think the new approach for learning words in the vocabulary section is better in the new system Lingq. However, I don’t know how to use the ‘tags’ function to improve my learning. I use the ‘user hints’ function to save the meaning of the word in the context it appears. How can I combine both functions?

thanks in advance,

Here is my list of Tags.

Remember that Tags are used to accumulate words in lists for review using Flash Cards or simply to print out.

The tags on the list are listed by frequency of use and alphabetically. Numbers come first.

Now that I have a list of Tags I will probably reduce the number of Tags I use or create. I guess we should get an Edit Tags function but that might have to wait for now. The unused Tags just collect at the bottom of the list.

Here are my Tags.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

Explanation: Here I experimented using numbers to designate the importance of different words I wanted to review. 1 = most important, 5 = less important but still important. This did not prove such a useful way for me to use the Tags.

Other Tags:

adverb mood business adjective case direction motion phrase say body plural see seem anger connector learn na turn act family feel give know po speak switch take useful

Explanation: This is a mixture of parts of speech, issues in Russian (case), Russian prepositions (na and po), and areas where I get confused with words that relate to things like direction, mood, motion, saying something, parts of the body etc.

Reviewing the Tagged lists gives me a chance to review words that are in someway related, helping me to connect them or tell them apart in order to better remember them, and then be able to notice them better in my future reading and listening.

How do others use the tags? What are the other tags used?
anger connector learn turn

For German I use

2./3.Singular for verbs that whose vowel changes in the 2nd and 3rd person singular in the present.

Dativ for nouns in the dative, usually the ones in the plural that may undergo some changes.

Genitiv for nouns in the genitive that may change.

Imperativ for forms of the verb that change in the imperative.

Komparativ to distinguish adjectives in the comparative from adjectives that are declined.

Kultur to distinguish certain words that designate specific places or types of food or clothing or anything else specific to the German culture.

PartizipII for verbs in past participle.

Plural to distinguish nouns that change in the plural, or even the ones that simply don’t.

Präteritum to distinguish verbs in the past, especially the ones that are irregular.

Of course this is all very systematic and very grammar directed, but that’s because I also like that part of the language. And I only use tags in rare occasions to understand better something that seemed ambiguous… However I can’t recall ever having used tags except while making them…

Actually I’m thinking about creating some for phrases or expressions, as I’ve already saved some into the database… I guess that’s me getting more into the system.

it is very interesting to see how other members use tags.
I see here I can learn a lot and I see other members, how Pedro, know many grammar expressions. Good job!
I’m learning not so strong with this in my English learning.

Thank you Steve and ‘sacadura340’ !

I’m thinking now how to group my vocabulary making clusters of words in based on they usage, construction and so forth. Maybe it could be a good idea to design an ontology to make a broad classification of the most important words …

Best regards,


So interesting to understand how our “classmates” use tags!