I recently subscribed, but haven’t come to start yet because i keep running into a wall when trying to import youtube content with the extension. I use Brave. Rather not use anything else.
The only text that seems to get added in my lesson is the title of the video but not the whole talk.
It’s the main reason i choose this place to get into learning a language. I watched the tutorial, looks simple, but don’t work.
Please some help.
I seems to now work bit youtube in its language. Still need to get the underling of the words as i want it. But i taught it was also possible to take a video i liked that is in English which has the subtitles in Portuguese and then have those subs somehow imported in my lesson. This i can’t get that to work.
Yesterday it was possible to import a Portuguese spoken youtube and have it all work. But would be nice to get this on to work. It has Portuguese sub( non automatic).
@mknaamloos Thank you for the information you provided! Interesting, but I have been able to import this and other videos fine by using Extension in the Brave Browser. Here is the outcome lesson: LINK