Uploads of news like Journal en Francais Facile

I used to listen to the Journal en Francais Facile every day on Lingq. There were people who regularly uploaded it, like @chrisremo .

However, lately I noticed that it was not being updated. So I started uploading the latest broadcast every day.

I noticed though, it is only approved once or twice a week-- so other users don’t have access to the latest broadcast. Since this is a news broadcast, this means sometimes the latest Journal en Francais Facile on Lingq every day is four days old. Literally “old news.”

The problem may not be lack of people uploading the broadcast, as I noticed that @Mohrjn686 also uploads and they have a special symbol by their name (librarian?).
Is it possible to speed up the approvals so people have access to the daily news broadcast in time that the news is actually news?

I actually prefer to get it from others, as it saves me time, but I will continue to upload as I can, as otherwise it’s not there in a timely way.


Hi Miriam,

As you say, we approve (or reject) pending lessons at least once a week.

There’s also a delay between RFI releasing the news episode and the LingQ user importing and trying to share it. I see that in the past few weeks there are often delays of 10 days or so (i.e. August 20th episode gets imported on August 30th).

It’s also important for us not to have duplicate lessons shared This can quickly get confusing for other users looking through the library.

If a user is sharing good content, we are happy to make them a Librarian. We regularly reach out to users who share (or attempt to share) and invite them to become Librarians. This lets them bypass the approval process.


Hmm, all my previously shared lessons were subsequently rejected. Probably because of this post, even though many people had listened to them. Apparently I got no points for them either. So much for reaching out for help!

By the way, I was the only one who uploaded certain days of the podcast (eg, 9/4) but those were rejected too, because of this spurious issue of “confusion.” There are already more than 2 courses of the same content of the RFI content right now on the main page so I have a hard time believing that is the issue.

Really, really disappointed by this behavior. Seems very vindictive.