Upgrade with Paypal failed - can't use balance

After a few days of using LingQ for free I wanted to upgrade to the yearly plan - but Paypal does not let me use balance. Seems only credit card can be used - which I don’t want to because I have no USD card, this means hefty fees.

So how can I pay with Paypal? I found this link, but it does not work:


I prefer a single payment and not a subscription.

Strangely, on the phone app I get the amount in local money - but can only chose monthly, no option for yearly, and no coupon option. Can I use coupons in the phone app?

I really want to pay, please make it possible.

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To upgrade account with PayPal, you need to have a credit card attached to your PayPal account, otherwise the payment won’t go through.

Are you sure you can only get the monthly plan on the app? Can you check again?

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I found a workaround for people that have a PayPal account and want to use balance…

You need to add a credit card to your PayPal account!

Then in PayPal you go to…:

Paypal > Settings (top right) > Account Settings > Money, banks and cards > [add your credit card]


Paypal > Settings (top right) > Account Settings > Payment preferences > Your preferred way to pay

Check that the credit card is there, but leave it on PayPal balance

After that I went back to LingQ, choose PayPal, entered the coupon and clicked pay now.

The credit card is still there, but the use balance first was ticked.

After the payment I went back to PayPal to confirm balance was used, and it was. Seems the credit card is only for emergency backup.

All good now and a happy new user.