Upgrade issue

33 cents a day? Oh the huge manatee! Unfair. Repressive. Down right unjust.

Yeah I think it’s 4.50 CHF for a cup at Starbucks. I’ve only been twice (it was a caffeine “emergency”). The swiss seem more fond of their energy drinks. Redbull is 2 CHF while the local brand (OK, It’s called “OK”, It’s okay I guess) is 1 CHF. I see more people drinking OK than starbucks around here

I am not disappointed with the upgrades at all, and will continue to pay $10/month to use the site, I love it.

I am sometimes amazed at the ways some people complain about having to pay for certain things and will seek out free alternatives whenever possible. I think one of the most extreme examples of this is the prices of apps on smartphones. If an iPhone app costs more than 3 euros, people will go crazy about how expensive it is. I have seen somebody go mental after buying an app for less than a euro and it not working properly. On the other hand, the same person would have no problem paying 25 euros for a meal in a restaurant. I heard on here that LingQ is making an iPad app that has the main functionality of the website. Personally I hope it is not free. I hope it is 15 euros.

@ steve - is there still a meet-up at your hotel at 8am? I need to work not many hours after 8am, but it can be on my way to work, so I can come and say hello.

Yes Colin, I will be going down for breakfast soon and will hang around until mid morning or so depending on who shows up. Hope you can make it.

“[…] There are also opportunities to earn points. […]” Thanks… Indeed I find the site useful, and see value on it… And if I…If I were a billionaire I’d inject billions on LingQ in a way we could learn every single language of this planet (I know they are more than 7.000) and have it also a great “reservoir” of contents of “dead” languages or in extinguish process… Lots of them… sadly… I’m just saying that it is important to refresh the old Lingq’s by new ones AND that $10 is exactly what a profited last year… “20 e poucos reais”… :wink:

Because we can still see the meaning of the words in google translator or with this sort of marvelous apps: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/auto-translate/obgoiaeapddkeekbocomnjlckbbfapmk or use flash cards with ANKI… or write on Lang-8 or send voice record in livemocha…

With a little waist of time… but we can… that’s the question… That all features can continue together… even with the limit of 20 Ling’s at a time… till 500…

well… TO me I sound reasonable, but that is the human history… Any way I have nothing more to do than thank you, I’m not yet a master of languages But Most of my knowledge came from here and youtube…

Have a nice time, Travellers!

Oh, okay. my parents always told me I should have been a lawyer because I love to argue.

“Oh… Thanks… Your lessons are great! Thank you so Much! I’m using Pimsleur too… And I think I’m going to use Assimil after Pimsleur… I hope that in 1 year I’ll be able to hold a conversation… heheheh”

You recently posted this on one of evgueny’s course. So we can assume you currently have Assimil and Pimsleur checked out from the library… right? Surely you didn’t pay for those courses

Anyway we can and have to use different opportunities to study foreign languages, and Lingq is one of the most interesting.
New possibilities of exchange are very useful.
For example Math submitted his recording in Russian and received a lot of recommendations and estimations that can be very useful for him.

@spatterson - Ah, Assimil doesn’t even exist in my state libraries’ database. There are only 2 pimsleur conversationals. I ordered an Assimil the other day from Amazon…drumroll…estimated delivery time up to 1st week in August, sheesh. They must be sending it by rowboat. So…no good for me to order Assimil in langs I already have experience with - I’ll be intermediate by the time it arrives - haha.

Does anyone else have this funny bug now? - the ‘ex’ on exchange tab has disappeared - it just reads ‘change’. LOL.

Yup just noticed it like 30 seconds ago

Yup, we’re having some strange issues related to our translation tool. Hang on a second and those strange bugs should go away.

Baygon should do the trick.

No friends section anymore?

It is now named “Exchange”.

The Friends page is here: Login - LingQ

They forgot to link to it…

@u50623: If you click on “Exchange” above you came to Login - LingQ. They have just renamed the title of that page (beside some additional features).

Thanks for creating a great site, with lots of interesting content I am a free user to your site and appreciate what you have done to improve language learning for people on a limited budget, I realise you are not a charity and content can’t always be free for every service you offer, however if you are going to make changes could you forewarn us in the future, this morning I had to get rid of the lingqs I had created to return the site to it’s old functionality, I don’t think the intention was to hold those with free membership to ransom but thats how it initially felt. Ultimately it’s your site to do what you want with I hope there is a way to make millions for you and keep it free for me.

The vocabulary page isn’t working properly any more. I keep getting error 503, and also the search on lingQ status (1 - 4) is buggy now.

It is a common practice for websites to offer limited but functional resources to attract users and to let them know the product before paying for it. The user who likes the idea and wants the real deal eventually upgrades.
But what made me feel betrayed by lingq is that they REMOVED important functional utilities of the free version. Isn’t that ugly?

http://www.4shared.com/ https://mega.co.nz/ Megaupload is no longer among us… but… you know! Now sue me, please and wait… till …
Come on, spatterson … role your play, play your role… and make happy!
sUNFLOWER… THANKS… AND ADRIK… YES… I AGREE! thank you Internet. You gave me the opportunity I wouldn’t ever had in my life!