Updating my statistics (automatically?)

When I first started using LingQ the number of hours or words I studied seemed to be updated automatically but now I am having to input it manually. I checked my statistics a moment ago but it appears as if I had done nothing for the past month, however I have been revising and learning new vocabulary on a weekly basis. Is it possible to set up my account so that it updates automatically and if so how could I do that?

The “known words” remains at the same level as before if:

  • none of the words you have been reviewing have been moved to status 4
  • you haven’t “updated” any of the texts you are reading

The minutes/hours don’t change if:

  • the listening time with the blue arrow hasn’t been adjusted accordingly

Hi Connie,

In addition to what Jeff says, the system also tracks how many LingQs you create. Start saving a lot of LingQs, review your flashcards until there are none left in your deck, and update lessons as Jeff suggests. Then, you will see your statistics change.

That clarifies my doubts. Thank you.

you didn’t explained why Words of Reading stay unchanged, This question eats me.

Actually, you will get credit for reading a lesson once when you Update it. However, in general, if you want your reading statistics updated, you have to advance the counter for that lesson each time you read it. Our system can’t tell when you are reading the text. :slight_smile:

Why can’t it? Huh? why?

I am a new comer here, and i have not the slightest idea about how this website could be best used for my Spanish learning.I think i will just take my time to figure it out. Besides, this website seems a awesome one^__^

It would be nice if LingQ updated automatically every time I read a chapter of a book in paper format too :wink:

…and said something laudatory.

If you ignore a few clicks in the use of meter, all in the column “Progress Snapshot” now handled automatically. These few clicks on the counter on the day then it would not be a problem to anyone. The acquisition of these data it is not a mathematical precision. The point is this way of data. These are important. Not a few more clicks.
As with any statistics on the information in the “Progress Snapshot” able to “talk”. Personally, I believe that this information should be mandatory “process” all-tutor her for their students. Tack is that the much more factual, as is apparent from the figures themselves. As an exsample:
Hours of Listening 47.2 68.2
Words of Reading 420075 7280

Even at first glance, the apparent large gap between the payment and the actual number of words read. Or, listening is only 69%.
Therefore, the respective running or jogging classic Marathon (or Vassa marathon). If the tutor of view what is affected can be read as found or “running” in the right direction or is deviating from the true path and the “running” in the wrong direction: away from the desired objective. In the second case, the tutor, therefore, in time to divert back to the form of the right direction: the direction of the desired goal by the shortest route.
Similarly, to infer from other information. The resulting data is only a device: the students (see the concrete progress) as tutor’s (to monitor the work of their students).
Personally, I think, however, that the number of setting the “Target” are discussion. It seems to me that some of the proposed sections are not most compatible. It may be some other time.

Yes, we do have some work to do in our tracking capabilities. We are thinking of launching our own spy satellite so we can watch all of you better…

Tone, the targets are there as a guideline to inspire you to meet them. Some numbers are more difficult to reach than others. If you meet all your target numbers, you will do very well.

“Tone, the targets are there as a guideline to inspire you to meet them. Some numbers are more difficult to reach than others.”

It does depend on your learning style: I find it easy to read way more than my targets, but find it really hard to meet the speaking targets because I’m shy! I need the targets to remind me that, if I’m not progressing too fast on my speaking skills, I have only myself to blame!

Hi Helen,
Anyone who has in himself a little sports spirit, always trying to achieve the goal. In this case, theth is “Target”. Of this much he is willing to “suffer” is the rate of arrival depends on the target. According to the known: what you put in, you get out.

What is it for discussion. It seems to me that some of the proposed sections are not compatible with most learning method. This should be fun, short, such that the student fully motivated. The method of “drill” is not such, there is no law and has already survived. This is not my conclusion. These are identified by experts in the field there for years back (for example: Stephen D. Krashen, J. Marvin Brown, Jonathan Farr, etc.).

All modern methods of learning are based mainly on listening. The one thing I want to say the following: if you start the operation with the numbers up in the “Target” come to the conclusion that it is also here for the method of “drill”. So to survive the method. Can I interrupt? I’m afraid that I light a fire in the roof .