Updates to LingQ 5

Just here to confirm that I’m experiencing this as well.

Today, still the same error and no tagging possible. Can Zoran or Mark please at least confirm that you are reading this! Any suggestions as to how to fix this?

Sorry JanFinster, we are working on it. It’s a bug.

Thanks Mark. No worries. As long as I know you are on it, it is fine. I can work around it.

Are there any news on the inflated word count? An update on the deleted lessons that still show in continue studying would be great too.

Those two issues are the reason that I don’t use Lingq right now. Would be great if they get solved.

@destinyseat We are working on both issues at the moment and we expect to have them fixed soon.

  • Issue with paypal payment. It seems that I cannot pay with my paypal account as I am receiving back an error from the api “Subscription error: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘current_period_end’”

Sorry about that. We are looking into it and will get back to you.

I did some searching but couldn’t find anything. Whenever I try to make a LingQ that’s on two separate lines, it won’t let me make my own hint, it just says: “To create a phrase lingq, please select up to 9 words from the same sentence” on the sidebar.

That should only be the case if you exceed the maximum phrase length of 9 words. Or, if you are trying to create a LingQ from lines that are actually separate paragraphs. Keep in mind that each line in a Youtube transcript for instance, is treated as a separate paragraph in their markup.

I’m just following up on this. Is it still in the works, and what is the estimated time of arrival for the fixes?

@Hagowingchun Deleted lessons issue is still being worked on. I’ll hopefully have some feedback there soon, our developers are on it.
Do you still have issues with word count too? That should be fixed. What exactly doesn’t work properly for you there?

I might be talking about something else than OP but the auto counting words read when flipping pages being an optional feature. Mark Kauffman on another thread said that it would be something that would be added in the future and was just wondering if that is still planned or not.

@hagowingchun - I’m afraid that control is on the back burner right now as the auto tracking has continued to be refined. Adding a control like that which would likely only be used by a small fraction of our membership is something we would rather not do. Since all controls add additional complexity and friction requiring additional explanation. The fact is that most users expect that we are tracking automatically anyway.
We do understand that some users prefer to control all their stats manually but we do have to develop for the majority I’m afraid.

Thanks for being straight up and yeah thats fine as long as its on the eventually list. With lingq 5.0 there are alot of features, updates, and patches that need to be added. So I figure this will take a while like probably a year or something like that. But I just wanted to make sure that it will eventually be there Because although the auto counting is getting more accurate if someone wants to flip through a lesson they can’t without it adding a ton of words of reading (main problem). Also if the time was longer than a year if I were able to show that there was more demand for it than previously thought could it maybe be moved up a little in the priority list (this is an a years time if its not added). Thanks again Mark for the straightforwardness, proffesionalism, and this application!

Are you sure that happens? You need to be on a page a minimum amount of time before it will be counted in your reading stats. It’s a function of the number of words on the page. If you are finding words being added when you are just paging, you should report the issue, platform, version number etc… and it should be fixed since it’s a bug.

Do you know how much time one has to sit on a page for it to count? 10 seconds maybe?

There’s an algorithm based on average reading speed and the number of words on the page. So, it varies depending on the number of words shown. ie. sentence vs page etc…

Does “average reading speed” mean my specific average reading speed? Or the average reading speed of an average user?

It’s an average rate.