Updates to LingQ 5

That should be possible now.

Are you talking about the video in Sentence Mode?

That sounds like some kind of temporary issue for you. Can you try again now?


Iā€™ve noticed several bugs that are leading to inflated listening times. I wrote down what I did when going through one lesson to see what was going on:
Total lesson audio length is 9:13.
I listened from 0:00 - 3:40
Exited lesson
Went back into lesson
Listened from 3:40 - 7:20
Exited lesson
Went back into lesson
Finished lesson from 7:20 - 9:13
Lingq statistics say I listened to 20 mins
End of lesson popup says I listened 2.2x (20:15)
I only listened 1x (9:13)
I pressed the - 3 times and + once to try and fix my listening time back to 1x listened 9:13
Stats now say I listened to 29 mins
It seems like pressing the - doesnā€™t subtract listening time from the stats, but pressing the + adds more listening time to the stats
So exiting a lesson adds extra listening time and then when the lessons done and you try to correct it you actually end up adding even more listening time to your statistics

Also, the reading stats are affected in a similar way.

Okay I think I understand now. I was trying to open lessons that were taken from Youtube and that I hadnā€™t imported beforehand. Even lessons that I had already completed. It seems like we now have to import them in order to be able to open them.

Problem solved. :wink:

I would like to know as well as and a general ETA would be fantastic!

Ebook import and lesson splitting seems bugged right now. The first section appears, but not the others.

I confirm this. Iā€™ve just tried to import a .txt and it made only part (1) but nothing else. I tried again with the same result.

EDIT: apparently after few minutes all lessons appeared. It took a while to show notifications and lessons. A lot more compared to before. Maybe itā€™s just temporary.

Hi noxialisrex,

As David said, the additional parts should appear a few minutes later. It may take longer if you imported a very long file. Have any files failed to import properly?

Hi Jjacks,

Thanks - We are looking into this.


The other sections did eventually appear, but it took somewhere between 3-5 hours after the first section. Is this just a fluke happening today, or should that be the expected time going forward when importing a full ebook?

Yes, thatā€™s correct. Any lessons you have already imported should be in Continue Studying. If you click on these lessons you have already imported in other shelves, those are the versions that users can go and import.

We got some good feedback up above that is allowing us to recreate the issue. Hopefully, we can resolve it in the next few days or so.

@noxialiserx: this takes too much time anyway. Without any message displayed about it a user can try to import it again and again and everything gets messed up. Before we could see some sort of progression, refreshing the page we could see some new lessons appearing. Yesterday nothing appeared until the whole book was uploaded. 42 lessons.

We are trying to work out a way to ensure faster processing of these lessons. The reason all come at once is because they are in a queue until they get processed. We are working on optimizing our server resources to process these tasks more quickly.

Ok, thanks, weā€™ll see if we can set a max width for that even on large resolutions.

Hi Lingq people.

As I am getting my first taste of Lingq 5 I will also report bugs along the way.

  • I think that the wide text setting is not working, The container takes only the minimum length. Check the CSS of the container
  • There is a latency in when it comes down to navigating the pages with the keyboard arrows. I got stuck a couple of times but I got it working right away.
  • Also when we are finishing a lesson does the modal take us back to the main page or we can only navigate through the suggested lessons?

oh my, youā€™ve fixed it
thank you so much!