Updated lesson and library pages

We uploaded some significant changes to the lesson page and library today which you should notice quite quickly when you open those pages. We hope these changes will make things clearer and easier to use.

Starting on the Lesson page, you will see that the New Words box, audio player and My LingQs list have been updated with a new design. We wanted to try and make this part of the site clearer and to improve the design. The “I Know All” button which confused some people who thought it should only be clicked once they knew all the words on the page has been replaced by the “LingQ’d” button which while not self-explanatory will hopefully not make people not want to click it! :slight_smile: The player stands out more now and has an auto 10 second rewind button like the iPhone app. The My LingQs list has buttons now for edit, flashcards, cloze test, print, and export. This adds some new functionality and keeps it neatly organized. This was a largely cosmetic upgrade but there is some new functionality and we think the overall feel is improved.

In the Library, you will immediately see that the lessons are no longer shown as a grid of images. We have decided to show a longer form of the lesson information in list form for each shelf. This allows you to see much more information at a glance without the need for extra clicks. We have also made it so that clicking on the lesson image opens the collection popup you have been used to seeing in the library. However, the lesson title now opens the lesson directly and the “View collection” link opens the collection page. So, there are now 3 options for each lesson depending on your preference.

As for the shelves, they have been rearranged. We have standardized the shelves across languages and now there are an Audiobooks, Podcasts, News and Member Created shelf across all languages. If you have content that you created yourself, you can choose as its type “Member Created” and it will show up on this shelf. This is our way of featuring content created by LingQ members.

You will also see that you can now choose to see the lessons for many of the shelves in order of popularity, in random order or in order of fewest New Words. You can also identify which shelf to make your default shelf whenever you come to the Library. Hopefully, these changes make the library a lot more convenient and customizable for you since we know many of you have different ways in which you like to search for new lessons. One other small thing we added is a control on the Advanced Search page which allows you to only show one lesson per collection in the search results. As usual, let us know how you like all the changes!

This is a lot of change to digest. It is a further development in the improvement in the library. Of course, as usual, there are a few wrinkles to iron out, but I think these are great steps forward.

There will be more.

Meanwhile, those of you have created your own original content, or even personally transcribed podcasts, you should go in and mark you content as the Member Created Type, in order that these original LingQ member created content can be properly featured in the Library. I think many of these are are excellent.

We will be looking more closely at the quality of the items in the library and you will be hearing more about this too. So please stay tuned.

Certainly I hope to see some Member Created items starting to show up in the appropriate shelf. I also hope to see more Courses, and thank those who have created courses for our members.

I just went into my French stories and could only reset them from “Member Writing” to “Member Content”. There was nothing called “Member Created” under ‘Type’.

I have just changed the “Type” label of my Bulgarian podcast from “Podcast” to “Member Content”, but I don’t see any “Member Content” shelf in the Italian library, even after selecting the Beginner 2 level.

Thank you for improving the site. At the moment I’m not sure if everything works properly and which changes I like or not :slight_smile: I’ll let you know in the next days.

I wonder why you use the type label for classification of Member Content. I provide different types of content. Now, I’m no longer able to classify the content by type, if I want people let know that this is content produced by myself. This is too sad.

I understand that from the view of a programmer it was easier to do it in this way. But I’m not sure if you hit the goal.

@SanneT - Sorry! It’s called Member Created now, was accidentally labeled Member Content.
@mikebond - There does seem to be a problem with the Member Created category not displaying. We are looking into it.
@Vera - Yes, this was a solution that made sense for us in terms of allocating resources. While not perfect, we have largely achieved what we were after and will now move on to other things. Perhaps, in the future, if we have resources available we will look at what else can be done here.