We pushed a number of minor updates today mostly to do with the Exchange page which are listed here:
- You can now subscribe to receive notifications of Exchange Requests made in specific languages. You can find these settings on the Settings page in the Email Settings.
- Removed the requirement that all parts of a request must be completed before sending back.
- Writing correction on the Exchange: numbers now indicate when there is a note. Corrections with no notes only show the green shading.
- Mistake notes for writing correction on the exchange now viewable on mobile devices by tapping
- Individual mistake notes are now imported when importing a writing correction from the exchange
- Friends privacy setting removed from wall posts. Posts must either be Public or Private now. It was too confusing as to whether Friends meant those that you follow or who follow you. We felt this status was not necessary
- The language filter is now automatically set to your current study language so that it is more obvious how to find relevant requests, lessons and conversations. It can be changed of course but is no longer remembered.
- The Exchange page now only displays Conversations, Lessons and Requests. All other types of posts are now only visible on the profile.
- When clicking through to the post page by clicking on the request title, all comments are shown instead of the multi-stage opening of comments like on the main Exchange page.
- Open Requests has been added to the subnav for Exchange so you can quickly see what requests are open for your current language.
- Added the ability to delete requests from the My Requests page. Any requests deleted on the Exchange page or on My Requests are deleted in both places and points are refunded.
- The language filter on the Exchange page now shows translation requests from and to the selected language.
- Added a +rose button for all exchange posts
- Preserve paragraph formatting when importing completed exchange requests.
- Exchange requests open properly from the My Requests page and can be edited even after being returned to submitter.
- A Task has been added called Review Vocabulary. This opens flashcards for your most recent LingQs of the Day.