Update: Flagging incorrect hints

(See original post here: http://lingqcentral-en.lingq.com/flagging-incorrect-hints)

Have you been on LingQ and seen a hint that is (a) in the wrong language or (b) the wrong definition? Now you can flag hints!

Flagging hints is easy. Just hover over a hint and click the flag icon next to it.

When you click the flag, a popup will appear asking you to confirm that you would like to flag the hint.

Once you click OK, a warning icon will appear next to this hint. Hover over the icon to see how many people have flagged the hint.

And that’s it! It’s just that simple. Once you flag a hint, it is added to a list where some editors will be able to review it. If three people flag the same hint, it will automatically be removed from the list of suggested User Hints and another hint (where applicable) will take its place.

If you have any questions about flagging hints, let us know!

Great - this should improve the hint quality over time. Thanks!

This sounds great. Will this affect my personal hints? If I’ve made a special hint for my own use and others flag it, will it then be removed from my personal hints too?

No. Hints are never removed from a users account. This only affects what people see in blue new word pane.

That’s a great idea! I’ve already encountered a lot of incorrect translations. Some others are - as IT already mentioned - “wrong” in that context but correct in another (so it could pose some problems and demand some time sorting them out). For this reason, I try to include all possible translations when I create new Lingqs (of course it’s not always possible, when it comes to words with a plethora of different possible combinations, like e.g. the word “get”).

EDIT: Sorry, this post is from VeraI. I forget to leave my daughters account.

@Mark: Fine. Thank you.

@il_melomane: I do the same. I add as many meanings as possible. Firstly it is more works but it helps me later.

Should we flag hints that are in the wrong language? I don’t find these hints to be annoying, but others might.

Are hints flagged as incorrect shown to other users with a yellow warning triangle after someone else has flagged it once? I’ve never seen a yellow warning triangle in the hint list.

@ColinPhilipJohnstone - Yes, please flag any hints that are in the wrong language as well!

@keke_eo - Any hint that has been flagged will show the triangle next to it. As this is still a fairly new feature, it will take some time for hints to be flagged. However, now that the system is in place you should hopefully see more incorrect hints flagged and fewer incorrect hints appearing in the blue widget.

Alex, and ColinPhilipJohnstone: What do you mean by flag hints that are in the wrong language?
Do you mean a French hint that’s in Spanish? A German hint written in Portuguese? What is a wrong language?

@Yvette - Each hint has a hint language, and some users accidentally saved a hint in another language without updating the hint language. It isn’t as common for Korean, but it happens sometimes in more popular languages. Here’s an example for French: http://screencast.com/t/7WjqYNlI3

Oh, I see. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

It is very common when going from German to English for the hints to be in another language. I heard that this is because some learners set their language to English so they can have the English user hints because not so many exist in their own language. They then enter hints in their own language. I don’t know if this is the real reason.

It can be a problem because it limits the number of hints in English that I see. I might look at a German word and see one English hint, and two written in alphabets I don’t even recognise. Usually it is not a problem though.

alex wrote: “Each hint has a hint language, and some users accidentally saved a hint in another language without updating the hint language.”

When importing vocabulary, the language of the hint is always set to English, not to German - as it should be in my case. Seems to be a bug.

@u50623 - Thanks we’ll take a look at this. You’re right it should import into your selected dictionary language.

u50623, I have a question about importing vocabulary because I have read people mention it in the forums a few times and never really understood it. I know how to do it, but I don’t understand why people do it. Do you import vocabulary, with translations and example sentences, that you learned outside of the system? Why would one do that?

I only ask because I am new to the site and always interested in learning new ways to make use of it.