I have a strange bug in Android for a while. When I import some Chinese lesson (the bug happens many times) and I answer that “yes I want to open it up right after import”, then it happens that there are words that I can’t click. Then if I exit the lesson and then re-open it, it works. Also by closing and re opening it, usually the word separation changes a bit, difference word colors and separations. If I don’t open the lessons right after import then it seems fine. Seems that it does not finish the parsing/word separation at once and needs some time, or something like that. Could you please check it out?
for Japanese i have had greyed out unclickable words in the past and what i was able to do to fix it is Edit Lesson → Resplit with Ai and it fixed it for the most part.
Can I use it again as an opportunity to ask to not mark words as known when lesson is marked as finished.
Got an imported lesson, sprinkled heavily with white unclickable words. Tried to resplit with AI 3-4 times, usually one time is enough to get rid of the unclickable words. This time 3-4 times didn’t help. Finished lesson with it showing about 20 new words, so some of the unclickable would be the unknown. Now I can’t complete the chapter or have to lose track of 20 words.
Please let to complete lessons without marking as known!