Ongoing for several days now… I have been unable to post comments on others’ pages, nor respond to comments people have left on my page. I’ve tried three different browsers (Firefox, Chrome, IE) with the same results, so I don’t think the issure is with my browser. Any help would be appreciated, thanks =)
Do you have “messages” ticked on the filters on the left hand side of the page?
Can you post but they disappear, or is there no place to write a message?
Yes, the box is checked. I have made no changes to my account. There are spaces, open boxes, to post messages on other people’s pages and to respond on mine as well. I can type in a message but when I enter it, the spinning arrow appears and it remains like that, indefinitely, without ever posting the message.
@JustMe - This might be related to a firewall - would you be able to try this from another computer or while connected to another network?
Alex… I tried again with my firewall completely off. Still the same result. =/
I can try again later in the day when I’m at work, on a public network.
Alex… things were even worse there (public network). I couldn’t even login to the site, much less post a message. I was using a different computer from there. Now what? =/
@JustMe - Thanks for the update. I’m not sure why the site didn’t work in the other location. On your home computer, would you be able to try posting a message on a wall then opening up the error console to see if any errors appear? You can find more information about the error console on this page: Using The Browser Error Console - Garden Gnome
Hmmm… ok
yes, Alex, it says: “TypeError: i is not a function”, then “b2070828a7c5.js:3” as a hyperlink, which when clicked gives:{var j=(new Date).getTime(),j=h=[10>j?“0”+j:j,h,function(a){for(var b=[],c=0;c<a;c++)b.push(“abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ+/=”.substr(Math.floor(55Math.random()),1));return b.join(“”)}(8)].join(“:”)+“:”;a:{for(var k=0,o=Math.ceil(1),n=“”,d=0;d<o;d++)n+=“0”;for(;;){for(var d=h+k.toString(16).substr(2),a=“”,c=-1,b=void 0,e=void 0;++c<d.length;)b=d.charCodeAt(c),e=c+1<d.length?d.charCodeAt(c+1):0,55296<=b&&56319>=b&&56320<=e&&57343>=e&&(b=65536+((b&1023)<<
10)+(e&1023),c++),127>=b?a+=String.fromCharCode(b):2047>=b?a+=String.fromCharCode(192|b>>>6&31,128|b&63):65535>=b?a+=String.fromCharCode(224|b>>>12&15,128|b>>>6&63,128|b&63):2097151>=b&&(a+=String.fromCharCode(240|b>>>18&7,128|b>>>12&63,128|b>>>6&63,128|b&63));c=a;d=Array(c.length>>2);for(a=0;a<d.length;a++)d[a]=0;for(a=0;a<8c.length;a+=8)d[a>>5]|=(c.charCodeAt(a/8)&255)<<24-a%32;a=8c.length;d[a>>5]|=128<<24-a%32;d[(a+64>>9<<4)+15]=a;for(var a=Array(80),c=1732584193,b=-271733879,e=-1732584194,g=
271733878,l=-1009589776,m=0;m<d.length;m+=16){for(var p=c,q=b,r=e,s=g,t=l,f=0;80>f;f++){a[f]=16>f?d[m+f]:(a[f-3]^a[f-8]^a[f-14]^a[f-16])<<1|(a[f-3]^a[f-8]^a[f-14]^a[f-16])>>>31;var u=i(i(c<<5|c>>>27,20>f?b&e|~b&g:40>f?b^e^g:60>f?b&e|b&g|e&g:b^e^g),i(i(l,a[f]),20>f?1518500249:40>f?1859775393:60>f?-1894007588:-899497514)),l=g,g=e,e=b<<30|b>>>2,b=c,c=u}c=i(c,p);b=i(b,q);e=i(e,r);g=i(g,s);l=i(l,t)}a=[c,b,e,g,l];d=“”;for(c=0;c<32a.length;c+=8)d+=String.fromCharCode(a[c>>5]>>>24-c%32&255);a=w?“0123456789ABCDEF”:
“0123456789abcdef”;c=“”;b=void 0;for(e=0;e<d.length;e++)b=d.charCodeAt(e),c+=a.charAt(b>>>4&15)+a.charAt(b&15);if(c.substr(0,o)==n){h=k.toString(16).substr(2);break a}k++}h=void 0}return j+h};var w=0;function i(h,j){var k=(h&65535)+(j&65535);return(h>>16)+(j>>16)+(k>>16)<<16|k&65535};
jQuery(function(b){b.fn.loadingBar=function(a){var d={applyPlatformOpacityRules:!1,message:gettext(“Loading…”),css:{width:“auto”,border:“none”},overlayCSS:{backgroundColor:“#fff”,opacity:1,cursor:“wait”}};a||(a={});var c=b.extend(d,a),a=‘’+(‘’+c.message+“”);c.message=a;return this.each(function(){b(this).block(c)})};b.fn.hideLoadingBar=function(a){return this.each(function(){b(this).unblock(a)})}});
jQuery(function(c){c(“.content-rose-normal-btn, .content-rose-active-btn”).live(“click”,function(a){a.preventDefault();for(var a=c(this),f=a.hasClass(“content-rose-active-btn”),g={},d=“content_type content_id collection_id image_url title description new_words original_url tmp_original_url url is_public”.split(" “),h=0;h<d.length;h++){var k=d[h],l=a.find(”.content-rose-params .“+k);l.length&&(g[k]=l.val())}var j=g.content_type,a=g.content_id,a=c.wall_rose_content_urls[(f?“share_”:“rose_”)+j].replace(”/0/“,
“/”+a+”/“),d=”“;switch(j){case “collection”:d=f?gettext(“Share this course”):gettext(“Share this course and give it a rose”);break;case “course”:d=f?gettext(“Share this playlist”):gettext(“Share this playlist and give it a rose”);break;default:d=f?gettext(“Share this lesson”):gettext(“Share this lesson and give it a rose”)}d={preview_element:function(){return c(”#wall-“+j+”-rose-tmpl").tmpl(g)},dialog_options:{title:d,dialogClass:“wall_share_popup”},on_success:{fn:function(b){if(f){var,e=
c(“.wall-posts-list”);if(e.length){e.find(‘.wall-post-params .post-id[value="’‘"]’).length||c(b.html).prependTo(e);try{set_post_actions(e)}catch(d){}}}else{var a=c(‘.content-rose-params .content_type[value="’+b.content_type.model+‘"]’).parents(“.content-rose-params”).find(‘.content_id[value="’+b.object_id+‘"]’),e=a.parents(“.plus-rose”),g=e.find(“.rose-count”),h=a.parents(“.content-rose-count-btn”),i=b.roses_received;b.related_roses&&(i+=b.related_roses);h.find(“.rose-count-text”).text(i);g.find(“.rose-count-text”).length?
b.owner.roses_received)}catch(j){};e=c(“.wall-posts-list”);if(e.length){e.find(‘.wall-post-params .post-id[value="’‘"]’).length||c(b.html).prependTo(e);try{set_post_actions(e)}catch(k){}}}return!0},params:{}},params:{stamp:mint(“wall_rose_object”)}};f&&(d.params.stamp=mint(“wall_share_object”),d.friends_list_required=!0,d.notification_section=[“selection”]);c(“#post-share-canvas”).wall_share_box(a,d)});c(“.content-rose-count-btn”).live(“click”,function(){var a=c(this).attr(“href”);c(“#content-roses-canvas”).length||
Clearly this means nothing to me, but I hope it can help you decipher my problem. =)
@JustMe - Thanks, I’ll pass this along to our developers and let you know if we need any additional information!
@ Alex… any prediction when I might be able to post on individual pages yet? I owe a couple of people answers, but am unable to send them. =(
@JustMe - No timeline yet but this is on our to-do list. In the meantime, you can try emailing these users if they have chosen to display their email addresses.
@JustMe - Would you be able to try clearing your browser’s cache to see if that helps? Also, it would be helpful if you could record a quick screencast of yourself posting a message on a wall. You can use a program like Jing (Screen Capture Software | Snagit | TechSmith) to do this.
@Alex… I tried clearing my browser’s cache, but it didn’t help. I really don’t see how it would be helpful to record this screen shot that you mentioned, as it would involve downloading a program I don’t really need and all you’re going to see is me typing in a message, returning (to send it), and then a continuous revolving arrow with the gray/black backscreen that always appears here when you post something. The only difference is that it NEVER ends. It just continues revolving until I refresh the page, go to another page at the website, or close the page altogether. It’s just that. I’ve been able to post on people’s personal/my own pages via my iPod, but not on my computer, no matter which browser I use. Posting on the forum (obviously) continues to be normal.
@JustMe - Thank you for the additional feedback. I’ve passed this along to our development team and will update you if we make any progress here. It’s good to know that your iPod is working in the meantime though!
Yes, well… better than nothing, but typing some of the things I’ve been forced to type on my iPod is pretty darn tedious, so I REALLY hope you can resolve this issue for me, and soon!
@JustMe - Definitely, we’ll get this sorted out as soon as we can. Thanks for your patience!
@JustMe - We’ve now pushed an update here that should hopefully fix this. Would you be able to try this again and let us know if it’s working?