Unable to delete a course I created myself

In the mean time, if you use Windows, you could give my tool a try. It’s not exactly a one-click solution, but I wrote a pretty comprehensive user manual. If you do, I’d appreciate any feedback.

Thanks, I appreciate your efforts. I actually went through the manual this morning, but the setup seemed a bit involved for someone like myself who is both non-technical and inherently lazy.

I see. The setup is a one-time thing, and then you could use the script all you want. But I understand this level of tinkering with your computer is not for everyone. I opted for a PowerShell script for the sake of transparency. The only other option would be to make an application (exe file). That one you could just run (provided you have .NET framework on your system, which if you run Windows you probably do). But with an exe file you are at the mercy of the author. I could literally put anything in there. I thought this would put people off.
But maybe it’s just me projecting my distrustful nature on other people. If I made an application that you could just run, would you be more willing to give it a go?


Actually, don’t go to the trouble. I will install PowerShell and give it a go.