Typo in a Japanese lesson

I just happened to find some typing errors in Japanese contents while looking for material for my Japanese student.
(Here’s the link: Login - LingQ)

Who can correct the error?

If I am authorized to make correction, I would do so whenever I find any errors, though…

@AngieAkiko - I have now made you an editor for Japanese. You should now see the edit “pencil” for all Japanese lessons which you can click to make changes. Thanks for volunteering to help! :slight_smile:

I have a editor’s pencil for the Japanese library.
I have just correct the typos in this lesson.

日本語のチューターがんばってください。 サポートに申し出れば編集する権限(editor’s pencil)をもらえると思います。

Now I see the pencil icon. Thanks!

I alrways admire you for your kind and helpful messages for Japanese learners!
日本語チューターとしてはまだまだの私ですが、ちょこちょこがんばります :wink: