Two problems with opening lessons

Problem 1: As I understand it, whenever I open a lesson, it should get added to the top of the list on the ‘My Lessons’ page. However, with this lesson, it does not happen

This is a problem because it means I cannot open it with the iOS with at all.

Problem 2: Related to problem 1, the ‘Take All’ button in the course page is very unreliable. Sometimes it only adds some of the lesson to my list of lessons. Often it doesn’t work at all. For example, for this course, the button does not work at all for me

I can add the lesson to my list of lessons by opening them one at a time.

Anybody else having problems like this?

@ColinJohnstone - By chance, is the first lesson archived?

For the Take All button, let us do a bit more poking around here to figure out what might be going on.

No. This lesson is not in the archive at all. Do you have the same problem as me with opening the lesson?

The reason these are problems is that there is no syncing of playlists between the app and the website. Is this something you guys intend to add in future updates? Creating playlists by hand on the app is a bit of a pain, especially since I have to do it on the iPad and on the iPhone separately (I read the lessons on the iPad but listen to them on the phone).

I have another suggestion for the app. I don’t like the fact that the audio is downloaded automatically. This is annoying because my internet at home comes from my phone and I have a limit of 4GB fast internet per month. The app already has the option that it won’t sync audio via 3G, but this is not enough since the app on the iPad does not recognise it is downloading the audio via 3G when it is connected by WiFi to the phone.

@ColinJohnstone - I’m not having the same issue with the first lesson you posted; it shows up properly on the My Lessons page and is showing in the app as well.

Playlists syncing is something that we’ve decided to hold off on until the new version is up and running. That being said, with the new version it should be quicker to create playlists.

Regarding your internet bandwidth issues, I’m not sure there is much we can do for you on this. Perhaps it would make more sense to download your lessons on a different wifi network so they don’t eat up extra bandwidth. The audio is cached, so it only gets downloaded once to your device and is stored locally thereafter.

Hmm, strange. I still can’t get this lesson to add to the ‘My Lessons’ page. Oh well, I will post again if it happens with any other lessons.

What about the course I posted? Does the ‘take all’ button work for you?

@ColinJohnstone - No luck yet with the “Take All” button. I’m trying a few different scenarios but it seems to be working properly in all cases. If you go to “My Lessons” and click “View Course” do you see all the lessons? Be sure to sort by 1, 2, 3… so it’s easier to see which are there.

Strange. I will bookmark this thread and post here again when I have this problem again.