
Is there anyone here who is learning Turkish, by any chance? I’m looking for a good Turkish dictionary, however I can’t find one… The only one I’ve managed to find so far is a Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary (English-Turkish), but it seems that it’s rather for Turkish who learn English and not the other way round… What dictionaries do you use?

You should read this man’s blog: http://www.yearlyglot.com/

The way he is learning Turkish is very impressive.

I will learn Turkish some day, but not so soon… However, it would be interesting to learn about a good dictionary.

Turkish does seem very relaxing and calming. I may learn it as well some day.

Are you looking for an online dictionary or a

Turkish does seem very relaxing and calming. I may learn it as well some day.

Are you looking for an online dictionary or a paper dictionary? Word reference has a Turkish dictionary.

Thanks for the link, James. I’ll have to peruse the blog more carefully tomorrow as it seems very interesting to me.

I was looking for a good paper dictionary which would for example indicate which grammatical case is needed when we use a given verb, as in Turkish it’s sometimes rather surprising, like “I hate from him”, instead of “I hate him”. Not all of the online dictionaries have such things written down and that isn’t of much help to me…

But Turkish sounds magical to me. Every word is totally different from words in any European language. There’s something enjoyable at learning such an exotic language - speaking an exotic language myself!

Oops, I meant that Polish may be as exotic for some people as Turkish is for me. I think I’m already typing with my eyes half-closed and that’s the reason for my gibberish.

Does anyone know any resources for learning basic Turkish phrases and words? I am travelling to Turkey this month. I tried using livemocha.com but it is difficult

some phrases and words! with audio!

@jolanda: It’s a very useful website, thanks for sharing this!

umarim ise yarar :slight_smile:

you don’t have to learn turkish when you visit to Turkey, Turkish people like speak english without they don’t speak english very well. probably you will not understand eachother and my own people will begin to tell most using turkish words. :slight_smile:
If you ask a question abour Turkish or Turkey , I pleasure to answer.