Try one month and cancel today

Buenas tardes.

Acabo de contratar un mes para probar vuestro servicio premium.
El pago lo he hecho a través de Paypal. Mi idea es renovar por un año si la plataforma me convence.

Puedo cancelar hoy la suscripción ya pagada de este mes y continuar con el Premium hasta el próximo 13 de Junio? o al cancelar automáticamente perdería todo el mes ya pagado?


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Sure, you monthly plan is now scheduled to end on June 13 and you can then start an annual subscription instead if you prefer.

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Thank you Zoran. Now I have the subscription cancel with 13 Jun caducity

I want to ask you, if today I start an annual subscription, this will start count from 13 June? I don’t want lose this month cost.

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Yes, your new subscription will start after the old one expires. You can always message me on and I’ll take a look and make sure everything is set properly.

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