Trust Level Changes

Does anyone else get PM’s (and also emails) about Trust Level changing about twice a week? Does anyone know how to make them stop? I tried doing the advanced user tutorial and that didn’t work.


For reference:

4 New Ones:

I think I ended up hitting the old and reliable ‘unsubscribe’ for the emails. Can’t remember if that also stopped the notifications.

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You can manage notifications settings in Preferences, under your profile image on the top right.

I’ve been having the same thing happen - no matter how many times I mark the notification as read, a couple days later it comes back again…

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Isn’t this going to disable all notifications of that type? They are PM’s from what I understand.

Edit: To be clear, these are individual PM’s being sent, not just notifications.

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I, too, would love to know how to block the users @system and @discobot from sending private messages with regard to the trust system.

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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Look what you’ve done :slight_smile: ,


Just to make it clear, this is still happening. The Member badge keeps being re-awarded and a new PMs are being sent.


Congratulations on achieving “Member” Level 7 :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks, we will check that.

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