"Trump will be 'a walking, tweeting violation' of the Constitution from the moment he takes office."

How Donald Trump May Violate the Constitution the Second He’s Sworn In - ABC News - Everything you need to know about the emoluments clause - ABC News via @ABC

"Sheri Dillon, a partner at Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, the law firm she said Donald Trump Sr. directed ‘to design a structure for his business empire,’ told reporters Wednesday that the financial trust Trump signed would “completely isolate [Trump] from the management of the company.”
“‘The Constitution does not require President-elect Trump to do anything here, but just like with conflicts of interest, he wants to do more than what the Constitution requires,’ she [Sheri Dillon] said. ‘He is going to voluntarily donate all profits from foreign government payments made to his hotels to the United States Treasury. This way it is the American people who will profit’.”

Who is Sheri Dillon? Some might think that Donald Trump should have chosen another, more competent lawyer.

“Sheri A. Dillon focuses on federal tax controversy matters, guiding clients through IRS examinations and appeals, the administrative claims process, and litigation. Sheri also counsels clients on a variety of tax-planning matters that involve acquisitions, dispositions, combinations, and debt restructuring and reorganizations, with a special focus on partnership transactions and closely held businesses.”

I wonder how soon Donald Trump will be impeached. Or, will Congress give him permission to maintain his business empire?

Senate Republicans are probably quite relaxed about impeachment. But liberal/leftwing folks should be careful what they wish for. President Mike Pence? (It wouldn’t bother ME too much :smiley: But I’m a guessing it’d be a threat to Yutakian Socialism!?)

I think that Mike Pence is culturally more “conservative” and economically more “libertarian” than Trump, although he is less thin-skinned. He might divide the country more drastically. But, rules are rules. I am not Putin’s agent.

Talking of libertarianism, “libertarian socialism” is supported by Noam Chomsky. If George Orwell were alive, he would also support it.
“The problem of “freeing man >from the curse of economic exploitation and political and social enslavement” remains the problem of our time. As long as this is so, the doctrines and the revolutionary practice of libertarian socialism will serve as an inspiration and guide.”

George Orwell wrote:
“The Spanish war and other events in 1936-37 turned the scale and thereafter I knew where I stood. Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it.”

Exactly. I am 50/50 on trump right now, we will wait and see what happens. But I despise Hillary. That being said, I would EASILY vote for Hillary over Trump’s VP.

@Yutaka, Have you heard of Milton Friedman? He is the one who got me interested in political/social/economic issues. I hate politics, but I love the political issues.

Milton Friedman was a champion of free-market fundamentalism, but he proposed a plan called “a negative income tax” for the poor.

“In his 1962 book Capitalism and Freedom, Friedman acknowledged that some form of welfare was necessary in capitalist societies and that the state would likely play a role in its provision. The trick was to imagine a very different, radically improved, and more efficient form of welfare—what Friedman’s son, David, also an economist, calls “libertarian redistributionism.” What kind of program could help protect every citizen from destitution …? Friedman’s answer was the negative income tax, or NIT.”
Why Not a Negative Income Tax? | Negative Income Tax | Political News

“Conservatives” in the US have no interest in introducing Milton Friedman’s restributional plan.

“On Fox, Pence said: ‘I think the president-elect has made it very clear that we have a terrible relationship with Russia right now. What the president-elect is determined to do is explore the possibility of better relations.’
During the campaign, Pence occasionally denied that that Trump had made certain remarks even when the businessman was on video saying them. He denied Trump had promised to release his tax returns, for instance, and that Trump had suggested Saudi Arabia and South Korea should develop their own nuclear weapons.”

I don’t think Mike Pence is a reliable politician. He is an opportunist of some sort. He might be waiting for a chance to dethrone Trump.

“…He might be waiting for a chance to dethrone Trump…”


(But stranger things have happened under the sun! President Mike Pence!? Democrats would literally faint at the idea of this, surely?)