Trump vs. Truth


Yeah! Can you believe it? It’s just incredible. Only because he said that the GNP was below zero and the unemployment over 24% and that there are millions of false voters and, well, a few more things like that
Those liberals do have some nerve! Some people in this same thread have even insinuated that, as a president, he should check the “alternative facts” he gets from Breitbart or cable news!!!
OMG, what else will those darned libs come up with?

I’m still in shock!!!

Not all statements are lies.

"When do we know when someone has submitted a statement “as truth”?

When the statement matches the actual conditions.

“OMG, what else will those darned libs come up with?”

Those “darned libs” might just come up with things like Russia “hacking” the election or that refusing entry to citizens of 7 countries for 90-120 days is islamophobic while bombing innocent people for 8 years is Nobel Prize worthy! They might just do that.

They might also try to make a hero out of an absolute bum like Vicente Fox simply because he says what they want to hear.

They might also talk about how “white supremacists” are a problem even though you really have to work to find any of those animals, but at the same time accept and promote racism if it’s targeting white people.

*only posting those videos because they’re recent and I’m not sure how much coverage they got in Spain.

Obviously it doesn’t excuse the fact that Trump lies all the time but to me, lying about the size of a crowd is nothing compared to the crap we’re being fed by the MSM and other globalists.

“cherry picking”

You just described the entire format of the show you posted. It is just picking very short clips and quotes, putting them one after the other to form an entertaining narrative.

There are also at least 20 different claims, are you expecting a full report on all of them?

Apropos the bizarre arguments over crowd-size, I believe there are two things that people miss:

1.) I think the whole media spat was deliberately engineered by Trump and/or his media people to divert attention from the massive (and perhaps unprecedented?) protest march by women.

2.) As far as I’m aware nobody has disputed the claim by Sean Spicer that the total number of people who watched Mr T’s inauguration (including TV and online) is the biggest ever?

Does Donald tell lies?

Well, is he a politician?

“the uploader has not made this video available in your country”

Which is a shame because OP continually seems incapable of making his own arguments or adding to the… whatever it is he is trying to say…or something…add another anti trump link thingy…

Your definition requires two things for something to be a lie: not “knowing for certain whether or not it actually is true” and submitting a statement as truth. When is the latter fulfilled?

If it matches the actual conditions, it is true and therefore cannot be a lie so you dont answer my question

is that and alternative fact lol

I believe the term you are looking for is “puffery”. It is very common in business. Donald Trump is businessman and a promoter.

This also isn’t a fact check, since there are no facts/records of the number of attendees. The numbers you are stating Trump made no statement about. It APPEARS Trump is wrong about the crowd, but that is subjective.

  1. GDP below zero…it is a slip up. I am pretty sure he meant GDP growth.

  2. Unemployment, there are many ways different groups measure it. He said the number is probably “x%”. He didn’t say it was “x%”. Not a lie, but possibly misleading and trying to emphasize the fact the the government stated unemployment rate is not always accurate.

"Widely reported unemployment metrics in the U.S. do not accurately represent the reality of joblessness in America.

For example, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) does not count a person who desires work as unemployed if he or she is not working and has stopped looking for work over the past four weeks. Similarly, the BLS does not count someone as unemployed if he or she is, for instance, an out-of-work engineer, construction worker or retail manager who performs a minimum of one hour of work a week and receives at least $20 in compensation."

  1. Millions of false voters. Trump is probably wrong, but there is no real way to tell. To register to vote you only need proof of residence(like a water bill). To vote you don’t need to show ID. Illegals can easily vote in the U.S.(which is illegal), but it is illegal to make sure the person voting is a U.S citizen or not. There is very little voter fraud because you can’t check for it.

The illegal voting thing is a complete lie only believed by dear leader trump and his authoritarian supporters, 51% of whom just admitted they want Trump to be a dictator. A reasonable argument isn’t going to achieve much in their minds.

Well, wha’ d’ya know? Russia has violated the INF treaty — again — while claiming it hasn’t. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) says that Putin is " testing" Trump, stating, “As Vladimir Putin continues his testing of the new administration, Russia’s deployment of nuclear-tipped ground-launched cruise missiles in violation of the INF Treaty is a significant military threat to U.S. forces in Europe and our NATO allies.”

I wonder whether Trump supporters will argue about whether it is technically a lie or not when Putin says he doesn’t believe the INF treaty was violated? And will they echo Trump once again by saying Senator McCain has been “losing so long he doesn’t know how to win anymore”?

In one news feed, a reader commented, “Time to show Putin who is in charge! I’ll bet Trump sends his most angry tweet yet… That will teach Putin to mess with us.” So far, though, Trump has been silent on Twitter regarding Russia and Putin and the INF Treaty.

putin has the goods on trump something embarassing or him or something about him or his administration that he doesn’t want getting out.because this is getting to ridiculous levels how can aman keep criticising every country the mexicans,the chinese,japanese,germans ,and the most dangerous one he continues to be very silent

So much truth coming from the rest of the media. In fact they’re renowned for being the epitome of honesty.

Still nobody calling other politicians to task for the fact that Trump is the only western power for at least 50 years to actually do what he said he was going to, in the time frame he said he was going to.

Normal people would (even if they want to still blame him because they don’t like what he says) go ‘hang on…he’s doing what he said he was going to. Obama…why the hell did you lie about all that stuff you were going to do but didn’t?’.

Nope everybody else gets a free ride because Trump isn’t a maniacal liberal.

Only in the west can people within a country complain because the leader of that country wants to treat them better than people who don’t yet live there and wants to put their interests first. What next, marches against mothers who won’t feed other people’s kids?

They are all mentally ill. Useful idiots.

you would never believe that this man won a election would keep on acting so foolish he is the president of the united states he won the election now time to govern no one is misrepresenting trump it’s been his own ego that has been his problem and his uncontrallable obsession to tweet out things that are irrevelant and factless

the so called “liberals” did not say that hundreds of illegal aliens voted in new hampshire brought in by busloads to a small predominantly white state certainly people would have noticed that wouldn’t they? and it was debunked by the republican governor of that state it was a lie

who said he saw muslims cheering in new jersey when the 9’11 towers came down again debunked by another republican governor it was a lie

and for the crowd size thing it was him that continued to keep that in the news for weeks even had his press secretary actually address this irrevalant fact in a press briefing with journalists even though he won the election who gives adamn whose crowd size was bigger the people that voted for him might have stayed homea and watched it on tv

Exactly. Hopefully Le Pen wins the upcoming elections for France’s sake.