Trump fired Comey

StephenTaiwan found them for you…

Where did you find the story that you believed was true?

It’s republican but they cite their sources. Looks legit.

Oh my God! Another great opportunity for me to learn English. This kind of event generates lots of compelling material form various youtubers and mainstream media. They take all my time - no possibility to read, but I enjoy these ones very much…

BTW, if someone could tell me how to watch SNL, like the link below, I’d very thankful indeed. There’s only old stuff on YouTube.

I don’t know the answer to your question but the referenced SNL video was certainly a classic, a beautiful, rare moment of comedic inspiration.

Thank you any way! And I agree with you that the video was what in French we call: un chef-d’œuvre.

I don’t know how many time I watched this and still - I can’t help it.

I’ll keep asking if there is any possibility to have SNL, it’s very interesting and a nice way to learn language.

Ils sont tous disponibles (oui, tous) sur SeeSo qui n’est malheureusement que disponible aux États-Unis. Vous pouvez sûrement essayer de changer votre adresse IP malgré que je ne suis plus capable de détourner ma situation géographique lorsque je visionne netflix depuis environ 1 an. Peut-être que ça marche toujours avec SeeSo donc je crois que ça vaudrait le coup d’essayer.

BREAKING NEWS: Liberals take a break from calling for Comey’s firing to be outraged about Comey’s firing.

A deeper look: Liberals are not outraged by Comey’s firing but amazed that the lead investigator into Trump’s Russia ties was fired by Trump himself using his “concern” for Hillary as the excuse.

So what part of Trump putting in his letter that Comey himself told him 3 times he wasn’t under investigation was hard for liberal’s brains to understand?

Simple question.

What part of Clapper saying the same thing was hard for liberal’s brains to understand?

Seriously, your delusions and conspiracy theories re: Trump - Russia hacking the election are, quite frankly, embarrassing.

And you are not the only Lingq Liberal that needs to be called out for it…

"Trump eviscerated the “Russian Puppet” line of attack by lobbing 59 Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian air base under the nose of Vladimir Putin. That made Trump look very un-puppetish. "

“Trump needs to rehire Comey just to see everyone switch sides again.”

"Senior officials at the White House were caught off guard by the intense and immediate blowback to the president’s stunning decision to fire James Comey. "

The phrase “off guard” modifies the state of White House officials being caught, doesn’t it?
Am I right in assuming that “catch off” is not a phrasal verb?


It’s all your fault my Polish and French plans have gone out the window today!

“The known actions that led to Comey’s dismissal raise as many questions as answers. Why was Sessions involved in discussions about the fate of the man leading the FBI’s Russia investigation, after having recused himself from the probe because he had falsely denied under oath his own past communications with the Russian ambassador?”

“Why had Trump discussed the Russia probe with the FBI director three times, as he claimed in his letter dismissing Comey, which could have been a violation of Justice Department policies that ongoing investigations generally are not to be discussed with White House officials?”

‪Inside Trump’s anger and impatience — and his sudden decision to fire Comey‬

“Catch off” and “caught off” are not stand-alone phrases; they’re meaningless when not immediately followed with “guard” (unless referring to cricket etc)

They tried to catch him off guard…
I was caught off guard…

Colloquially, one might say say something like, “He has the measles/flu which he caught off his sister” (instead of ‘from’).

Thank you for your reply.

So, “catch” is a simple transitive verb and “off” is a preposition for “guard.” White House officials were “off guard” at that time.

As I have written a few times, teaching at Harvard is different from giving a speech there. You wrote she had got paid 350,000 dollars for “a speech” at Harvard, if I am not mistaken. Where did you find this story that you believed was true?

“Deputy attorney general threatened to quit after being cast as impetus of Comey’s firing, which was already decided, official says.”–The Washington Post

it’s amazing how you always change the subject when you’re wrong.

It is the subject related to your comments on two, what you call, “socialists” in your post, which you intentionally deleted along with my response to it. I have been talking about the same subject since then.