Trump does not appear to have enough knowledge about foreign trade

An article in The New York Times reads:

Mr. Trump described the North American Free Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canada as history’s worst trade deal, and vowed to overhaul or replace it. The White House is now planning to seek relatively modest changes in the agreement, according to a draft document provided to key members of Congress.

President’s Growing Trade Gap: A Gulf Between Talk and Action President’s Growing Trade Gap: A Gulf Between Talk and Action - The New York Times

Tims → Times

(Thank you, Jaliscostate.)

What’s a New York Tims?

Tim Horton’s is really popular in Canada. We also call it “Tims”. Do you like donuts and coffee?

Is Tims an owner of donuts shops?

He obviously knows nothing about business.

Yes. The company was co-founded by a hockey player named Tim Horton.

Is this an advertisement for the NYT or do you have an opinion?

Thank you for your comment.

The title of this thread shows my opinion:
“Trump does not appear to have enough knowledge about foreign trade.”

In the future how do I know the intent of your forum threads? In the past you have attacked me for responding to the title of the thread instead of your selected copy&paste post of an article.

In the thread titled “Can deregulation and tax cuts make your lives happier?” you wrote:

"Have you read the title of this tread?

Jeffrey D. Sachs wrote, "[T]he prescriptions for faster growth—mainly deregulation and tax cuts — are likely to exacerbate, not reduce social tensions. "