Translation please

Someone here can tell me how can I say it in Italian ?

Who’s taching you Italian?
I’m self taught , I’m teach myself

Who did you learn italian from?
Studied it independently

Who is your teacher?
I don’t have a teacher, my teacher is ( Lucas) =)

What is your reason for learning Italian?
I want to learn italian because I want to go to Italia on day and my grand father from Nogara/Verona.

What do you do in your spare time?
When I have time, I like to meet my friends and play video games.

What your name?
My name is Lucas.

Where did you learn italian?
I learned in my home.

Where is your home town ?
My hometown is Osasco - São Paulo.

Why are you interested in Italian?
I’m interested in Italian because I think it’s an interesting language.

Some words That I would like to know.

Even if.

Thanks for all.

I will answer tomorrow.

Moses’s FLR…nice :slight_smile:

Definitely very good method!!


Lucas: yeah, it is briliant :slight_smile:


Who’s taching you Italian? - Chi ti insegna l’italiano?
I’m self taught , I’m teach myself - Lo sto imparando da solo. Lo studio da autodidatta.

Who did you learn italian from? - Da chi hai imparato l’italiano?
Studied it independently - L’ho studiato per conto mio.

Who is your teacher? - Chi è il tuo insegnante?
I don’t have a teacher, my teacher is ( Lucas) =) - Non ho un insegnante, il mio insegnante è…

(more to follow in the coming days)

Although. - Benché.
But. - Ma.
Even if. - Anche se.
And. - E.
Other. - Altro/altra/altri/altre
Also. - Anche.
Because. - Perché.

I don’t have other choice so I’ll wait.

It’s so Hard?


my advice :wink:

use a dictionary and then send it for correction to a tutor !
Michele is a very good Italian tutor!
But this I think you know!!



or buy the original lesson from Moses.

Moses has done the translation for his students.


If I send somethings to translate meens that I’m using the FLR method?

I practice phrases some months before to find Moses method.

I’m sure if I spent my points definitely this would be done but nobody has an obligation to translate it for me.

Thanks for this amazing translation mike.