Transcribed with zero punctuation


It seems lately most of the Russian audio is transcribed with no punctuation whatever. That makes reading in sentence mode useless.

So what’s changed?

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I tried again today. One of the same audio files I had uploaded yesterday. Good punctuation today.

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I asked our team to check that. In the meantime let me know if you notice the same issue again.

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The problem of zero punctuation showed up again in my lesson Id “35258977,” titled “301 - Что делать дальше?” The first 803 out of a total of 4033 words is all one “sentence.” When I say there is “no” punctuation, actually there is one comma before the last five words of the 803 word sentence. That first sentence is 7913 characters long counting spaces,

Sentence length looks pretty good for a while after that. However, there are at least two other quite lengthy sentences that should have been broken up somehow.

I’m having a similar issue with Russian. It has punctuation in the lesson editor, but when you go to view the lesson the punctuation is gone.

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