This “literal” transcript sounds wierd. There’re too many O (哦) and A (啊). It’s too colloquial. Actually, only Taiwanese Chinese do that. The mainland Chinese have much less of these “space-fillers”. If you’ve ever been to a Toastmaster meeting, you’ll know that’s considered as a bad habit in speech.
Yes, really, but it is natural and vivid, isn’t it? I am still a beginner level learner (so this content is not my level) but I feel that these speeches are authentic. One thing which I must say. The word separation is not nice. (but I know that advance leaners do not use transcripts…)
At Toastmaster meetings, one person is designated as an Ah-counter, counting how many times the speaker says “ah”. If too many, the speaker will get a bad grade! Space fillers exist in any language. In English, it’s not just “ah”; too many people also say too many “you know”. Japanese (I heard, since I don’t know Japanese) say too many “ano”. Putting them into a transcript may cause the language students to get into a bad habit.
Yes, but each person has right to choose his appropriate material. If it is not nice for advance learners, they should choose more formal speeches for learning polite expressions.
In my view, the content you mentioned is a good example for native speakers’ natural speaking (it is very nice to konw how to use O (哦) and A (啊) among one’s speaking in order to look for what one wants to say) but not so nice to be eloquent in speech.