I have been using sentence view for a long time, Now I am re-reading the same text in page view. For most sentences I need no translation, but sometimes I need it, just for one sentence. I am using a PC.
In sentence view, I can hit “shift-T” to see a translation. In page view, I can’t. The feature is there, but “shift-T” doesn’t turn it on/off.
In page view, I need to move the mouse to “…” and select 'show translation" from the drop-down menu. Then I have to find the sentence again, and read the translation. Then I have to go back to “…” to turn the feature off. Then I have to go back to the text to find the next sentence I am reading. That’s a lot of moving around and interrupting the reading. Reading quickly and smoothly is the whole reason I am using page view rather than sentence view.
Is there any way to do it easier? I suggest that “shift-T” work the same in page mode as it does in sentence mode. The “translate” feature is there. There just isn’t a hotkey.
Select a phrase and do what? I “selected” a sentence with the mouse: this backgrounded each word in dark gray. But shift-T did not cause a translation to appear.
I can send any word (or group of words) to Google Translate, but that is totally different than simply causing the English translation appear under the words.