Today is the End of the World

This according to some religious fundamentalists (I don’t know whether this term is appropriated or not). Today is the judgement day. The first phase of the End of the world will start with a rupture at precisely 6pm (US). This will mark the return of Jesus Christ and all people who kept loyal to God’s principles will go to the heaven. I would like to hear your opinions about this. Do you really think today is the end of the world? If you are a Christian, do believe that today is the judgment day? If nothing happen, can we still trust in Religion?

The guy who came up with this idea said that earthquakes and other disasters will occur at 6pm local time, every where in the world at May 21st. This means that New Zealand, Australia etc. should all have had some sort of natural disaster. This hasn’t happened.

Also, this man said that the world will end in 1994. When that didn’t happen, he said he made an error when working it out.

It’s a publicity stunt. He has made A LOT of money from interviews, books etc. Just ignore stuff like this. Tomorrow, he’ll release a statement saying he made another error, and that it in fact someother date "please could you all now buy my book to see how I worked out this date. Oh, and a couple of interviews/ TV programs with me will be quite good as well. "

*and that it in fact someother date "please could…

That was poorly written. "And that the end of the world will be some other date. He will also say “Please…”

Well, I’m an atheist but I have to say that this does not reflect on religion overall.

Not all Christians believe this sort of insane stuff, so if you’re choosing whether or not to convert, don’t let this sort of thing stop you.

I’m sure the person who came up with the theory is a radio host, and not a minister or anything.

6pm tonight? That’ll be just before Doctor Who then.

I’m a Christian and I can say with all certainty it will not end. No man knows when it will happen. Not even Jesus knows when it will happen. Don’t worry about it.

I’m a Christian and I can say with all certainty it will not end. No man knows when it will happen. Not even Jesus knows when it will happen. Don’t worry about it.

Actually, I downloaded a rather nice audio version of a Russian Bible from the familyradio folks:

The reader is calm, not overly dramatic, and there is no syrupy music in the background. And no, I am not a Christian, but their Bible is very nice for reading as a parallel text. The chapters and verses come already set up.

I couldn’t tell if they plan to keep this material on-line after the end of the world.

Not even Jesus knows when it will happen


Jesus = God

God = All knowing


Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism etc are delusion, in my opinion.

Makacenko yup like all religions. there is a very good book called " religion explained" that explores the evolutionary origins of religious belief- very eye opening.

Always this “Apocalypse Dates Bullshit”.

@Makacenko: Any religion is.

rapture predictions timeline:

@Yuriy That’s hilarious.

SolYViento, while God is all knowing Jesus has apparently restricted Himself from knowing certain things by choice. After all God can do anything, even restrict his own knowledge. This is a direct quote from Jesus himself.
36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
Matthew 24:36
Also Makacenko, while you disagree with the teachings of my Saviour, God, and King, please refrain from attacking Him and His teachings by calling them a “delusion”. No matter what you believe my God loves you. John 3:16

If God is omniscient, he cannot restrict his own knowledge even if he is omnipotent because that would mean he does not know everything, thus making him no longer omniscient.

And the Bible does clearly say that he is omniscient.

It’s just a contradiction from what I can tell.

Also, Makacenko is under no obligation not to insult something he does not believe in, even though I personally think it’s not tasteful.

“No matter what you believe my God loves you.”

While Makacenko’s views are strong, and you may have found that offensive, Atheists like myself prefer it if you don’t force beliefs onto us. Don’t try and make it appear as if we are ignoring God. We just don’t believe in him. We have our opinions, you have yours. We have our reasons, you have yours.

  I am not trying to force you into believing anything because that makes Christians look bad. Thats why I said "No matter what you believe my God loves you." . Most Christians, when they are around people of other religious background act like jerks and try to condemn you. If this is what I am doing I deeply apologize for it.
 Also SolYViento, you said "If God is omniscient, he cannot restrict his own knowledge even if he is omnipotent because that would mean he does not know everything, thus making him no longer omniscient."God is three people. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. If only one of these knows exactly when the Rapture will occur then therefore God is still all knowing. Does this make my previous statement more clear?

It’s just the use of “loves you”. If he does exist, we don’t want him to love us. That is why we are Atheists. Perhaps I may now be forcing my views on you, but I hope you get the idea :slight_smile: