I have one “paper"book” + his audio book, but to work on it on Lingq I would like to turn my paper book into é-book. Is there a way to do it ?
If I were you, I’d look for an existing ebook version of that book. If there is no ebook version, you could take photos of the pages of the book and with free on-line OCR (https://www.onlineocr.net/) convert to WORD. Then you can import it to LINGQ.
Thank you Ben, I will try with this OCR, I need pages little by little and maybe not all the book.
I just tried…not work well…
It will depend on the quality of your photo. If the pages are too large it could be a problem.
I took a picture of the first page of A la Recherche du Temps Perdu in the Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, those pages are not too large, and after the OCR procedure I got a correct text:
LONGTEMPS, je me suis couché de bonne heure. Parfois, à peine ma bougie éteinte, mes yeux se fermaient si vite que je n’avais pas le temps de me dire : « Je m’en-dors. » Et, une demi-heure après, la pensée qu’il était temps de chercher le sommeil m’éveillait; je voulais poser le volume que je croyais avoir encore dans les mains et souffler ma lumière; je n’avais pas cessé en dormant de faire des réflexions sur ce que je venais de lire, mais ces réflexions avaient pris un tour un peu particulier; il me semblait que j’étais moi-même ce dont parlait l’ouvrage : une église, un quatuor, la rivalité de François Ter et de Charles-Quint. Cette croyance survivait pendant quelques secondes à mon réveil; elle ne choquait pas ma raison, mais pesait comme des écailles sur mes yeux et les empê-chait de se rendre compte que le bougeoir n’était plus allumé. Puis elle commençait à me devenir inintelligible, comme après la métempsycose les pensées d’une existence antérieure; le sujet du livre se détachait de moi, j’étais libre de m’y appliquer ou non; aussitôt je recouvrais la vue et j’étais bien étonné de trouver autour de moi une obscurité, douce et reposante pour mes yeux, mais peut-être plus encore pour mon esprit, à qui elle apparais-sait comme une chose sans cause, incompréhensible, comme une chose vraiment obscure. Je me demandais quelle heure il pouvait être; j’entendais le sifflement des trains qui, plus ou moins éloigné, comme le chant d’un oiseau dans une forêt, relevant les distances, me décrivait l’étendue de la campagne déserte où le voyageur se hâte vers la station prochaine; et le petit chemin qu’il suit va être gravé dans son souvenir par l’excitation qu’il doit
If your book has large pages, you could try to take photos of half a page at a time.
But now most books are available in an ebook format. That would be a lot easier!
I read an entire damn paperback book in Spanish. It was my first whole book read entirely with no assistance. Of course, I would like to import it into LingQ to count the words read, add to my known word count, save words/phrases I didn’t know, etc. However, seem to have chosen the only modern book in the Spanish speaking world with no ebook version AND no working website for the author! I will try the OCR.
I use Abbyy Finescanner on my phone. It is a paid version. It does a remarkable job. It will output epub. I have digitized a number of physical books. I have uses Sigil on my mac to modify epubs.
I have looked for the e-book…does not exist. “el umbral des bosque” from Patricio Sturlese.
Exactly my issue. And I am too beginner to read without assistance.
There are scan services, e.g. Book Scanning Service UK & Europe | #1 Digitization 2020
But I’m afraid it will be expensive.
if not available as ebook… then… Very easy…
- Separate all pages. 5 min
- Scan the book through Scansnap - 10 min Scansnap might cost 200 dollars in Amazon but I love it. I bought one 4 years ago and I use it all the time.
- Dump data into Word - 0 min
- Check scanned book and remove nonwanted portion, if any - 2 min
- Copy and page file into lingq. - 0 min
Overall less than 20 min per book
come on … 200 dollars… + destroying one paper book… Thanks but no thank… :-/
Sometimes there is no other way around. Either take it apart or not read that book. The first book was indeed painful. By the way, 200 dollars is nothing in comparison to the number of hours needed to learn a language. For Polish some people estimated at more than 2000 hours!
I found quite a solution, when I take picture with my phone the “translation” is 100% ok. Much better than with my scan.
Yes !!!
Sure. I tried that method too, but if I want to read " Sophie’s World: A novel about the history" which has more than 500 pages, it would take forever to get it into images. -And believe, I tried to get the book in Polish but I could not find it… Why this book? Because I really wanted to read it! However, since you study French I think you might not have these problems.