Time zone change Notification - WHY!?

I received a “TimeZone Change” notification on logging in today; along with the added threat that I would lose all I have gained to this point.

I checked my settings and they are set up as expected. Also I have never made any alterations to these since setting up my account.

Why are your servers not checking the settings within my account and utilizing them? Also, if I decide later in the year to go on holiday abroad, this timezone “thing” will throw up problems so it would be easier for me just not to bother studying over this period.

You are the only language learning website, or any other website as far as I can tell, that conducts this type of check. Why is this required? can I suggest you bin it and simplify this process.


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Are you sure it’s not asking (giving you the choice) whether you want to change the time zone or not? The pop up that typically comes up gives you this choice and you can say no.

Did you change time zones? Or use a vpn to a different location?

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Thanks for getting back to me.

I have not done either of your ooptions. All I did was log in and the message popped up. also it was not asking whether I wished to change my timezone or not, I have seen this type of message before. Next time I will try and remember to take a screen grab of it and include it in any additional posts.

Thanks again.


Strange! Yeah, screenshot might be helpful, but hopefully Lingq team can respond to what you saw.

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